A Miraculous Easter Lukanette/Adrienette part 17.1

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         This part will be divided up into two sections parts 17.1 and 17.2, Sincerely, Summer Cheng ps. I found the above photo on Pinterest and decided to include it with this part since it shows what Good Friday is all about people. 

           Narrator's POV:
            Adrien and Marinette take a look around the museum.  The two see lots of nice paintings from all around the world.  It is something they do not take for granted since this is the first time they have gotten to do much since they got together.

          One of the paintings is a scene from the movie Angry Birds 2, then there is one of a bluebird in a tree.  The couple thinks this is ironic that the two bird photos are side by side in the museum.  It is not like the artist could have predicated such placements is there?

          Two days later, it is now even closer to Easter than it was before now.  It is the Friday before and Marinette and Adrien can scarcely believe it.  It is going to be there first ever Easter together.  The two are not sure what to do to celebrate it, but they are sure they will think of something.

          Adrien's  POV:
Adrien notices his phone claims it is Good Friday.  He wonders what is so special about this day?  Is not every Friday a good one?   It is not like he thought much about it before now.  

         Sure his mother used to celebrate it, but that was years ago.  He can not say his father much to do with the holiday since his mother's disappearance and death.  It is not like he has any siblings to share it with either.  He would like to look into it though to find out more about it. 
    He is sure something must be unique about the day.  He decides to do a bit of Google search to find out more about this day.  He types in the words Good Friday into the Google search bar, then presses in the enter button on the computer keyboard to find out.

    "Whoa, the internet sure has lots of information about this day!"  Adrien says when he sees the various answers about it.

     "Who would have thought there were that many details on a holiday as this one?"  Adrien asks himself.

       Marinette's  POV:

         Marinette smiles when she sees the day.  She loves this holiday. It is one of her favorites along with Easter, Christmas, and Valentine's  Day. She happens to look forward to the celebration of it with her boyfriend for a change. She blushes when she recalls how cute Adrien was the day they went out two days ago.  She could tell he was a bit nervous and unsure of himself.

        "Adrien, what time should we leave for the Good Friday Service?" Marinette asked in the text she sent him.

      Adrien's text back...

      Let me see, it starts around 7 pm, so I will pick you up at 6:30 pm.

     Marinette's text

    Okay, sounds great!  See you then!


 Narrator's  POV:
    Later, right at 6:30 pm, true to his word, Adrien picks her up for the special service.  The two ride in his nice new car.  Marinette is surprised he has a car since he still refuses to make things up with his father. She can not help, but feel sorry for the guy.  

    "Adrien, where did you get the car?" Marinette asks as he pulls into the church parking lot a few minutes before the service starts.

    "Oh, well, it was a gift,"  He explains.

    "A gift from whom?"  Marinette asks him. She wonders who could have been so generous to give Adrien a car.

    "My father came by earlier today and he got Natalie to help him bring it for me," Adrien answers with a huge grin on his face.

     "Wait, your father gave you the car, does this mean he is not upset with you anymore?" Marinette asks.

    "I suppose you could say that Marinette," Adrien replies.

      Marinette was glad to hear the good news that his father and him were on better terms then they were two days before today.  She felt such relief to hear it.

      Adrien and Marinette step into the church building together and sit on the first pew two rows back from the front.  This seems to be the only available seat which is rather awkward as it is the first time they came here together.  It makes them feel as if all eyes are on them.

     Pastor's  POV:

      The pastor stands up and tells everyone, "Let us sing a hymn," so they start to sing the song Amazing Grace by John Newton when they finish this everyone sits back down.

    The children in the church, kindergarten through fifth graders come in with candles in their hands. They walk slowly as the candles are lit. They set them down gently near the alter and other front areas of the building.   Then, they sit with their parents or grandparents for the rest of the service.

   The pastor talks about Jesus the Lamb of God came to die on the cross for the sins of the world. He goes on to explain that Jesus did this because of his love for us all. He finishes by talking about the reason we celebrate communion is a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for us. Then, the communion part of the service begins.       

    Everyone smiles as the bread is passed around, then later as the grape juice is as well.  The people all participate in the celebration of Jesus' body being broken once and for all and his blood being shed for the sins of the world.   They do this by eating the bread, a small cracker first, then later by drinking a small cup of grape juice.

     Later, as the sermon closes the pastor reminds everyone that Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again on Easter which is why we celebrate it.

      He then asks everyone to stand again for a closing song and prayer.  The congregation sings the song, "Glorious Day,"  then prays silently along with the pastor.

    The people are dismissed and leave for their individual homes.

     Adrien's  POV: 

       Adrien drives Marinette back to the hotel and decides he will go back home for a while. He drops her off, then parks the car.  He goes inside to check out of his room and gather his things.

     As he packs his stuff, he recalls the pastor's sermon and thinks it is amazing that Jesus would go through all the surviving on the cross just for him, and that he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday!   

     "Marinette, the whole thing is a blessing you know," Adrien says as he finishes packing.

     "Yes, it sure is Adrien," Marinette agrees with him.

      "Happy Good Friday, Marinette!" Adrien says.

    "Happy Good Friday, Adrien!"  Marinette replies.

 Marinette's POV:

   Marinette thinks today is a Good Friday indeed.  She is glad that she got to spend it with Adrien, but even more than this is glad to know that Jesus took her punishment for sin upon Himself on the cross, that he was buried for her, and rose again!  

    "Today truly is a Good Friday," Marinette says.

     "Yes, it is, Marinette," Adrien replies.

      " Well, I see you later," Marinette says as she hugs Adrien.

     "Sure, see you later," Adrien says.  He leaves to go back home.

   Find out more in part 17.2

   -Summer out!

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