Chapter 7: Flashback Harm

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————————YOUR POV————————
I had zero clue what was happening because it's never happened to me before, Ive never gotten hurt from a flashback. Especially considering flashbacks are supposed to just be vivid flashes of old memories, whether their good or bad they shouldn't physically hurt me. Ben looked at my cheek and slowly put his hand against the mark. I flinched a bit, the feeling of his cold hand touching the hand mark created a small sting, but it didn't last very long. He looked at me, "does that hurt?"
"not really, they're was only a small sting at first that slowly went away" I responded.
"Ok, do you possibly know what could have caused this to happen?" he asked. I didn't exactly know what to say, because I knew what caused the mark, but it was in the flashback where it happened. I had no clue what caused it to physically harm me. "Are they're any other memories that you have where you got physically harmed?" He hesitantly asked.
"uhm.. yeah" I answered.
"Just know, I'm not saying this to hurt you... but try to think of one of those times. So we can find out if it happens with every flashback you have, or just that one" Ben said.
'Oh no this isn't gonna go well' I thought to myself. "ok" I agreed. I thought about when I escaped, since the scientist grabbed onto my arm with a really strong grasp, I had a bruise on my wrist from it for about a week. I closed my eyes and slowly saw a vivid image of it, I could feel the scientist's hand on my wrist as the pressure of his grip got more and more intense. I slowly clenched my hand and tenses up a bit, I opened my eyes and saw Ben staring at my wrist, "woah" he said as he got up and went into the kitchen to get ice. 'why is this happening? is something wrong with me?!' I thought to myself as i started to panic.
————BENS POV————
I got the ice for y/n and came back to the couch to give it to her. This was crazy, I couldn't tell if i thought it was cool or creepy. We're creepy pastas though, so it didn't surprise me much that creepy stuff was starting to happen. Y/n was holding the ice on her wrist as Jeff came into the living room and glared at her, "what happened?"
"she just hurt her wrist" I answered incase y/n didn't want anyone else to know about what was going on. He than walked over and sat on the arm of the couch next to her, "how your back doing?" he asked.
"it's better, now there's just a scar there that i have to be careful with" Y/n explained.
Me and Jeff were talking about the incident and talking about everything that happened that day, until y/n flinched causing Jeff to put his hands on her shoulders and ask what happened. "I I don't know" she replied, I could tell she truly had no clue, because I could see the fear and utter confusion in her eyes. He rubbed her shoulders which oddly seemed to calm her down pretty quickly because she slowly relaxed and the fear in her eyes disappeared leaving the confusion that still lingered. She just kind of sat there for a while not saying anything.
"Y/n?" I asked. She looked up at me and flashed a soft smile, like one of those smiles that would just warm your heart, and you wouldn't even know why. "you good?" I asked.
"yah, I think i'm good" She said as she kept the smile on her face. A small grin grew on my face, "what are you planning blondie" Y/n said.
"wanna race me in Mario Kart?" I asked.
I saw as a smile grew across her face, "sure!"
"your gonna regret saying yes to me" I said as I stood up and ran to get two of my remotes off the shelf under the Tv. I handed her a pink one while I used my classic green one, I turned on the TV and the Wii. Right as they both turned on and it brought us to the menu screen I connected my controller and than let her connect hers. I clicked on the Mario Kart symbol and it opened up the game.
————YOUR POV————
The game opened up and went onto the main menu, Ben clicked into the racing tracks, and how many people were playing, and he turned on CPUs so it was just me against him. He chose a track called "Rainbow Road". There was a preview for the track, and for what it I saw, it seemed like a pretty fun track. Ben started to game and we both started racing, we were side to side until he bumped his car into mine causing me to fall of the platform. 'oh he's so gonna get it' I thought to myself. He wasn't to far ahead of me when it placed me back on the track, so I started driving again and tried my best to keep my speed up. A little bit later me and Mr. Blondie, were side by side. He went to bump into me so that he could win, but right as he moved to the side to knock me off, I slowed down my car causing him to just falls right of the platform. I laughed a bit and than continued racing, we were on the last lap so I had a feeling that i was already going to win this. I looked at Ben and saw that he was really trying to hardest to catch back up with me, he caught up to me but it was too late, I had went threw the finish line.. coming in 1st. He looked at me and his jaw dropped, "h how?! no fucking way"
I laughed and looked behind me to see Jeff completely shocked, "eat shit" I said as I stood up and left the living room. I walked down the hall as i heard Ben scream, "THATS BULLSHIT!!"
I laughed and walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and continued to listen to Ben scream curse words at the TV, while Jeff laughed his ass off.
————a few minutes later————
I was chilling out in my room and looking at the pitch black TV, I was never able to turn on the TV, mainly cuz I have no remote to do so. Which honestly sucked because I had nothing else to do in my room. I heard a knock on my door so I walked over and opened it, "Oh, hey Jeff" I said.
"Hey y/n, nice job on the race..."
"why were you so shocked?" I asked
"your kind of the only person who has ever beat him" He explained.
"wait.. I am?"
"yeah! and especially for a beginner that's crazy good!" He said nicely.
"well, it's getting late, you should get some sleep. good night y/n" He said.
"Goodnight Jeff" I replied as he walked away and I shut my door. I walked back over to my bed and laid down, I felt my eyelids get heavier so I shut them and let myself fall asleep.

A/N: Aaah were at 53 views!! i know thag isn't that many, but i remember making this story and not having any expect for when my two friends read it. aaah thank you so much for 53 views! i hope you guys enjoyed chapter 7!

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