Chapter 5: A kiss with a bad boy

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————————YOUR POV——————————
————next morning————
I began to wake up, the pain didn't immediately bit me so i decided to sit up. I sat up, and than slowly stood up, that's when all the pain hit me, and I felt a sharp pain slowly go up my back making me want to cry. I know Jeff told me that I should just rest until I heal up, but I have to start to help myself get better, and the only way I could do that is standing up and walking around. I ignored the pain, I walked over to my door and opened it, I peeled down the hallway and didn't see anybody in the living room. I walked out of my room and shut the door behind me, I walked down the hallway until I heard a door open up behind me, "y/n?" the voice said concerned.
"yeah?" I slowly said, turning around to see who it was.
It was Ben, "aren't you supposed to be resting so your back can heal?"
"maybe, but it got boring in my room. Either way I have to start walking around for it to get better, and i have to become stronger so the pain won't affect me" I muttered.
"y/n, that isn't how it works. you have to rest, you can't walk around or anything cuz you can risk tearing the scar, which will make it start to bleed again" he replied.
"the scar won't open up again, I just need to walk around a bit"
"no you don't, it'll all be ok if you just lay down and rest. please y/n" he said as he slowly grabbed my arm. I didn't want to stay in my room the whole entire time, but I also didn't want to make him upset, so I let him take me back to my room
————a few weeks later————
—————your pov—————
I was walking around the mansion kind of just looking around because my back was feeling a lot better. Honestly i'm pretty happy I listened to Ben and rested, because my back healed up pretty well. I went back into my room, 'i should probably take a shower' I thought. So I got one of my f/c shirts, a pair of black skinny jeans, and underwear. I laid them down on my bed and went into the bathroom that I had in my room. I shut the door and turned on the shower so it could warm up while I got undressed. After getting undressed I hopped into the shower, I looked around for some shampoo so I could wash my hair and found a bottle on the side. I picked up the bottle and put a little of it onto my hand and started to rub it into my hair creating a bunch of bubbles to form. I washed it out and got the conditioner and did the same. I looked around for a wash cloth and found one hanging on the side of the shower wall, I took it off and found some soap to put onto it. I washed my body and than finished up in the shower.
————few minutes later————
I turned the water off and got out of the shower, I saw a towel on the wall so I grabbed it and wrapped it around my body to dry off. I heard my bedroom door open and I froze. I heard Jeff voice as he said, "y/n?"
"i'm in the bathroom" I quickly spat out.
"ok, when your done come to my room, Ive gotta tell you something" He said as he walked out of my room and shut my door. I heard my bedroom door shut so I left the bathroom and went over to my clothes to get dressed.  I put on my clothes and dried my hair as best as I could. I than put the towel back in the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. Once i finished, I walked out of my bathroom and shut the door, and than opened my bedroom door and walked out shutting it behind me. I walked over to Jeff's door and knocked, "hey it's y/n" I said.
"come in!" I heard him almost shout from the other side of the door. I opened up the door and walked in to see him sitting on his bed. "what did you need to tell me?" I asked
He stood up and pulled me over to his bed, I sat down. He looked into my eyes, "I think I might have feelings for you" he nervously muttered.
'oh i didn't expect that to happen... what do i say? do i like him back.. i don't know I've never liked anyone before!' I thought. "you don't have to say anything, or reply" he reassured. "I just felt that you should know, or that it would be the right thing to tell you" I kind of just looked at him a bit panicked. I felt bad for not saying anything so I hugged him, "uhm, I don't fully know how to reply to this, I've never really had anyone like me before, and I've never liked anyone myself. How do you tell if you like someone?" I asked.
"Uh, i don't really know. When you like somebody, i guess you start to think that they are attractive, and not only their looks but you would find their voice attractive or you'd find their personality attractive and stuff like that" he explained.
"I like your voice, does that mean I like you?" I asked confused.
"not necessarily" He replied.
"why not? you said that when you like someone you start to find things about them attractive like their voice. I like your voice, and how it sounds, wouldn't that mean I like you?"
He shrugged, "that doesn't fully mean you like me, that just means you like my voice, when you like someone you like everything about them, including their voice"
"so I don't like you?" I started to get really confused, I've never liked anyone, and the way that he's explaining it is making it seem like I like him, because I like his voice, and I guess I like how he looks. Feelings are confusing.
"I mean, I don't know if you like me or not, that's something for you to think about. When you like someone you want to be around them all the time and you always want to talk to them just so you could hear them speak, and you want to..kiss them" he said.
"kiss? what's that?" I asked
"Well, kissing and when you and another person.." He looked at my lips and than back at my eyes, "is it ok if I show you?" he asked. I didn't see much harm in it so I said yeah. He than slowly leaned in and our lips touched. After a few seconds passed he let go and then looked at me, "that's what a kiss is"
'oh... that was kind of nice' I thought.

A/N: hey guys, I'm sorry for how long this chapter is, but I really hope you enjoyed it because it took a while to write. if you guys have any suggestions for chapter 6 please comment and let me know.. thank you!

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