Chapter 10: I Didn't Mean To...

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————YOUR POV————
I woke up to a loud thud coming from upstairs and than loud scream that sounded like Jane's. No matter how much i wanted to get up and run to see what happened, i could because i was fucking stuck is this god damn chair.
————Janes Pov————
I heard a gun shot coming from Bloody's room, it really confused me and kinda scared me at the same time. I ran to his room and when I opened the door he was on the ground, blood gushing out of his head. I screamed at the sight. 'What the fuck?! he doesn't own a fucking gun!!' I thought to myself. '....Wait.. i know who does though' i thought as i looked up at the window to see a man with a black and red mask. 'god damnit!!' I thought. I stood up and ran out of the room, running to the basement. As I got to the door of the basement I heard glass shatter, I opened the door and shut it behind me locking it. I ran downstairs and over to Y/n, who was awake, not that surprised though.
————Your Pov————
Jane ran up to me, she seemed to be in a rush. "is everything ok?" I asked.
"yes everything is fine, Y/n. Just some... difficulties but I will deal with the-" She was cut off by a loud bang on the basement door.
"what's that?!" I asked, scared.
"nothing jusr stay quiet!" She replied.
The banging continued, after a while a voice followed one of the bangs.
"Jane i know your fucking down there" The voice said. It kinda sounded like Hoodie. 'wait could they have found me?!' I thought happily. I looked over at Jane who seemed to just be staring at the door, she had a knife in her hand. 'Is.. she going to hurt me because they found me?' I thought, which caused my heart to beat a thousand miles a minute.
"J Jane why do you have a knife?" I asked, getting more of more scared every second. she slowly turned to me with a creepy grin on her face, almost like the one that Bloody would have when he came down here to "check" on me. "J Jane?!" next thing I knew she charged at me as the basement door busted open. It was already too late considering she stabbed me in the shoulder causing me to scream. "Y/n!!" The voice said running downstairs, I heard a gun shot before completely passing out.
————Hoodies Pov————
I had punched the door about... 20 times maybe more and it would budge at all until after a while it fell and slowly slid down the stairs. I ran down the stairs as I heard Y/n scream. The first instinct i had was to shoot, s so I did. Y/n was ok... for the most part. I ended up getting Jane right in the head and accidentally got Y/n in her shoulder. Right as I saw her eyes close I panicked and ran over pushing Jane off her and picking her up. "Oh.. Oh my god what have I done..." I stuttered as I ran upstairs with her. I ran back to Bloody's room and jumped out the window, Toby looked at Y/n and than looked at me with wide eyes, "w- what happened?!"
"Jane attacked her... so I shot... it killed Jane but ended up accidentally getting her in the shoulder" I replied handing her to him. I took off my hoodie and held it to her shoulder. "we have to get her back to the mansion now!!" As I said that Toby instantly starting running back, and I followed and so did Masky.. Who didn't seem to say a word when I got out.
————at the mansion————
Masky, Toby, and I got back to the mansion and ran inside. We laid Y/n on the couch and Toby sat by her holding my hoodie to her shoulder while i screamed for Slender. "SLENDERRRRR!!!"
After a bit of yelling he walked out of his office and looked at us, "what is wrong, Hoodie?"
"I I got y/n back, b but accidentally shot her while shooting Jane" I blurted out.
There was a slight pause before he responded, "Masky get bandages, Hoodie... Thank you for coming straight back after the incident.. and thank you for finding her"
"your welcome, Sir" I said as I sat down in a chair in the living room. Masky came back with the bandages and handed them to Slender, who than wrapped y/n's shoulder pretty tightly so that the blood would stop. Afterwards and said, "one of you stay out here with her and keep an eye on her for the night.."
I looked over at Toby and Masky and than said, "I will"
"Ok, now.. Masky and Toby. Go head to your room and get some sleep. Hoodie, make sure you get some sleep at some point too" Slender told us as he got up and walked to his office.
'How the fuck could I have shot her!!? I should've known she was there and that Jane attacked her, why else would she have fucking screamed?!?' I thought as Masky walked up to me, "just know it's not your fault.. just don't blame yourself, ok?"
"thanks Masky" I replied.
"i-if you need a-anything during the night j-just yell for u-us" Toby told me.
"thank you" I replied with a slight smile.. even though they couldn't see it. Whether they know it or not, i'm grateful for them. For them and for Slendy. Honestly without them I probably wouldn't even still be here right now...
They walked down the hall to our room and shut the door. I just kind of sat on the chair, I'd look at her a few times but then look away, 'Masky said not to worry... it isn't my fault that this happened... I I didn't mean to do this!' I thought as I slowly panicked. 'i'm sorry y/n.. please don't be mad at me..' I thought. I was starting to doze off as I heard a door open, I looked over at the hall and saw Sally run down the hall and over to me, she looked over at y/n and saw that her shoulder was wrapped and all bloodied. She looked up at me, "Hoodie what happened to her?"
"There was just a tiny accident Sally, she'll be ok i promise" I reassured.
"okay! when she wakes up, please tell her that we have a tea party to attend to" she said with a huge smile across her face.
"I will" I said leaning over and booping her nose, "you should head to sleep now, ok Sal?"
"okay!" she said giggling and running down the hall whiling saying, "goodnight hoodie!"
"Goodnight kiddo.."

A/N: hey guys i really hope you enjoyed chapter 9, and here is chapter 10. i tried to post it as soon as i could. chapter 11 will be up soon!! thank you guys so so much for 88 views!! i'm glad you guys are enjoying the story, if you guys have any suggestions taht you would like for chapter 10 or any chapters in the future, feel free to comment.. thanks again! :))

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