Chapter 13: For Real This Time

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————Your Pov————
's-shes supposed to be fucking dead!!' I thought to myself.
"Hello Jeff" She said as a grin spread across her face. It seemed to me that she had a large kitchen knife in her hand, she could tell I noticed it because she put her hands behind her back to hide it. I walked up to the door and stood next to Jeff. When I got up to the door I noticed somebody else standing behind her, he had grey skin with blazing yellow eyes.. He looked right into Jeff's eyes causing him to freeze completely, he didn't look away from the guy. I looked over at Jeff and saw his eyes slowly fade into the same yellow that the guys eyes were, i didn't fully know what to do but my first instinct was to get jeff to look away from him... So I tackled him. Jeff looked away from the guy and looked at me, his eyes went back to normal. 'oh thank god' I thought relieved. A few seconds passed of me holding Jeff down, mine and his eye contact was broken by Jane pulling me up and holding the knife to my throat, "try and kill me, or even get close to me.. and the bitch gets it" She said. Jeff instantly stood up and looked at her.
"what the fuck do you even want?! it's been years Jane! all because she's here you decide to come back and try to fucking kill all of us... why?!" Jeff asked. I could feel the cold feeling of the knife slowly touching my neck, 'she's gonna kill me either way..' I thought. She looked over at Jeff and pouted, "hmph, you guys are so gullible and extremely bad at everything..." she looked him dead in the eyes and went on, "have fun cleaning this up" She said as she quickly slid the knife across my throat making a deep cut, I gasped for air as she dropped me. I watched as her and the other guy bolted out of the mansion. "SLENDER!!!" Jeff screamed. My hearing started to get extremely foggy as Jeff ran over to me taking off his hoodie and putting it against my neck.
————Jeff's Pov————
A few seconds after I yelled for Slender, he opened his door and peeled out to look at us, "what is the matter, Jeff?"
"Jane, s she slit y/n's throat!!" I stuttered holding my hoodie to y/n's neck.
"TOBY, MASKY AND HOODIE GET OUT HERE NOW!!" Slender shouted. Not even a minute later they all ran out of their room and into the living room, "yes sir?" Toby asked.
"Toby, get bandages. Masky and Hoodie, go outside and patrol the area.. Janes back" He ordered. Hoodie and Masky both ran outside while Toby ran to get bandages. Slender walked over to me and looked at me, "bring her to the couch. if you need you can keep have her on your lap while we bandage her up." I got up and carefully picked y/n up and brought her over to the couch. I sat down while holding her so she would be laying down on my lap. Toby came back with the bandages and ran over, "W-Woah.. W-What happened?!" He stuttered.
"Jane got to her" I replied.
"...oh" He said as he carefully took my hoodie off her neck and gently wrapped it enough to stop the blood. I looked at her and saw her breathing slow down causing me to panic.. "n-no. y/n please, stay with me please!" I said, shortly after there was a loud gun shot coming from outside. We all looked at the door and in came Masky and Hoodie, "I thought I told you two to patrol the area?" Slender said.
"well... the thing is, I don't think we will need to anymore sir" Hoodie responded.
"why not?" Slender asked.
"because they are dead sir. He saw them, and he shot em" Masky said.
"oh.. well I suppose you two can go back to your rooms now. Jeff or Toby, if anything happens.. let me know." Slender said as Masky and Hoodie went back to their rooms.
"we will" I said.

A/N: hey guys i'm sorry this chapter is so short, I didn't have much time to write it. but i hope you guys still enjoyed it because it took a while to write. thank you guys for 120 views, that's absolutely crazy:)

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