Chapter 6: Aftermath

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—————————YOUR POV————————
————few hours after the kiss————
I was sitting in my room still thinking about the kiss between me and Jeff. 'Wait, he's my first kiss' I thought, the whole situation was crazy, but he didn't make it awkward at all, which I liked. He was pretty chill about it, afterwards we kind of just sat in his room and talked about random stuff, most of it not even relating to the kiss. I feel that even if I don't end up liking him, we'll still have a good friendship, and that makes me really happy. I was slightly zoning out when I heard a knock on my door, "Y/n, it's Toby. just came to let you know that it's dinner time"
"ok, thanks Toby. i'll be down in a bit" I replied. Toby than walked away and I stood up and left my room. I walked down the hallway to the dining table and saw everyone sitting down. I sat next to Toby and E.J. as I do everyday for dinner, I looked up and saw Jeff looking at me. Right when he noticed that i saw him, he looked down and his cheeks turned red. 'ok than' I thought. Slender handed out plates with Mac N' Cheese on it for dinner, "Bon appetite" He said, which made me laugh a bit.
We all ate dinner, every now and than I'd take a glimpse at Jeff, who most of the time was just eating and not paying attention. I don't know why I did, but randomly I just would. 'could I like him?' I thought to myself.
————after dinner————
Everyone was off doing their own thing, I kind of just sat on the couch and thought about the kiss, i have no clue why but it just stuck with me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I zoned out a bit making it to where I didn't hear Ben walk up to me and sit next to me. He noticed that I was staring off, so he tapped my shoulder, "Y/n?" he said.
I flinched a bit when he tapped me and than I looked at him, "yah?"
"uh, I just wanted to ask how your back is doing?" He asked.
"it's doing better, I can walk around without it hurting me"
"that's good. is it ok if I take a look at it?" he asked.
"sure go ahead" I turned so my back was facing him. I felt him lift up the back of my shirt and look at the symbol that was now a scar on my back. I felt his cold finger trace the symbol giving my the chills, "sorry" he said putting the back of my shirt down.
"it's ok" I replied,"How does it look?"
"it's healed pretty well, now there's just a scar from it, you should still be pretty careful with it, you still have a risk of tearing the scar" he said.
"ok, thank you" I said.
"anytime" he replied.
I remember the feeling of when the woman in black was carving it, I remember feeling her carve a circle, and than a large X. I turned and looked at him, "do you know what symbol it is?" I asked.
"That's the operator symbol, it represents the creepypastas" he explained, "also what did the people look like?"
"there was a woman, she had a mask on kind of like maskys, and she was wearing a black dress. There was also a guy, he had a mask on also, but his had a smile that seemed to be made out of blood" I said.
"Oh... That's Jane and Bloody Painter. They don't exactly like us very much. They're was a whole big fight between us and their "group" I guess, a pretty long time ago. They've kept up a grudge ever since, and they must've saw you and thought you were a good target, or the perfect way to get back at us."
"do you think they'll ever come back?" I asked cautiously.
"I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. They never give up, which is probably one of the most annoying things at this point. Once they start something, they don't stop it until they get what they originally wanted out of it" he explained.
"what do they want now?"
"i don't really know, but it could possibly be that they want you. Or they could be trying to kill you so that they could get us to feel upset since we technically just got you" he said.
'they could be trying to kill me?!' I thought. It sorta caused me a panic a bit, I just met these guys, I didn't want to leave nor did I want to die. This whole thing just reminds me of the lab, Jane and Bloody Painter remind me of the scientists. They don't care if they kill you, or if they hurt you, just as long as they get what they wanted from it. I got a flashback from the lab and started to tear up a bit.
I was sitting in my cell waiting for somebody to come in with some of their shitty food, that I forced myself to eat since i had nothing else. After a while of waiting a scientist came into my cell, but he didn't have any food. I knew exactly what was going on because the other night i attempted to escape and got caught. He walked up to me and slapped me against the side of my face, I felt the sting on my face but I didn't cry or tear up, because if I cried, he'd hit me again. I know that from experience, no matter how much it stung, I would hold in the tears as best as i could until he left, "you thought you could just fucking try to escape?" The scientist said angered.
"n no" I muttered in a low voice.
"speak up!! I can't hear you!!" He yelled.
"no!" I said louder.
He than slapped me and screamed, "don't ever raise her voice at me again!! got it, brat!" Without even giving me time to respond he left my cell and locked the door. I laid down on my bed, I rolled onto my stomach and stuck my face in my pillow and just cried the rest of the night.
I started crying and Ben looked at me worried, "oh no are you ok?!"
I felt my cheek sting as if I was in the flashback. "y/n your cheek, there's a hand mark! what happened?!" He asked extremely worried and scared.
"T the scientist, h he hit me" I muttered.
"But no one hit you here, your safe! How did the hand mark just appear?" He blurted, I could tell he was scared, so I hugged him and said, "I I had a flash..flashback"
"how'd it appear on your cheek though, if it was just a flash back than it shouldn't have made any damage.. it was a flashback.." he said.
I started to get scared, I felt my cheek slowly get hotter as the sting got worse. 'w what's going on?' I thought, 'what the fuck is happening?!'

A/N: hey guys, i hope you enjoyed chapter 6! i'm sorry for how long it was, but a lot of stuff happened in this chapter!! if you have any suggestions or anything you would liked to be put into chapter 7, please let me know or comment.

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