Note One (The Beginning)

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Have you ever wondered what a perfect world would look like? A world without flaws, without pain and suffering? I have believe me when I say that I dream of that world every single night... well at least would if I actually slept. We have been running for years from labs, most importantly we have been running from the president himself, John Creek, in the public eye a man that can keep the United States safe from harm but no one knows his true self. A scientist, who is more than insane who tried to manipulate sorcery along with science. It all was going successfully until five of the experiments escaped therefore risking exposure of his insane and manipulative ways. One of them happened to be the most successful experiment he ever created. That experiment that escaped just so happened to be me so with that said allow me to introduce myself. My name is Treyle Kai, I'm seventeen years old, I'm the type of girl that should haunt your dreams. My pale white skin, my pitch black hair, the only thing semi normal are my eyes well when they stay their natural color which is normally what they do unless I have one of my episodes. When this happens they turn pitch black or red, then I can't think on top of that I started using my powers uncontrollably meaning all my senses are heightened, no one can touch me or they die, I move everything around me, and in some cases I start natural disasters. No wonder Creek wants to destroy me, I mean it's technically not my fault. Unlike other Qua'nalls I was born like this, my father Spencer Donagon was a Qua'nall just like me. He died long before Creek came into power, hell I didn't even get to know him.

"Trey!" came a voice from behind me. It sounded a little distorted at first, then I came through and saw my second in command Drake looking terrified. Drake is a boy who's the same age as me. He's a Cyclone,

"Drake? What is it?"

"We're under attack!" he said, reaching out his hand to me. I grabbed his hand and stood up, my head whipped around to see the oh so familiar weapons welded by Creeks men. I shot up off the ground and sprung into action. Around me I saw Drake on my right and Imorl on my left charging into the action. At the corner of my eye I saw Elliy(the youngest of us) charging into action.

"Drake! Cover point five!"

He knew exactly what I meant, we heard a clash of thunder as he ran to Elliy creating a mini dust storm behind him, blinding everyone but us. I looked over to make sure Elliy was safe once I saw she was I glanced at Imorl who smiled and nodded as she ran into the dust turning invisible. I looked over and saw some of the men ganging up on Elliott, and trust me as much as I love Elliott he cannot fight at all. So using my telekinesis I moved them all away from him as I was walking towards them. I got to Elliott who was shaking.

"Why don't you go with your sister? It'll be safer." I suggested as I was holding off the army.

"But I-I'm not scared..." he argued almost in tears, ugh I didn't have time for him to play brave-nerd boy. I sighed deeply and looked into his kind light blue eyes.

"Ok fine... Elliott go hide with Elliy THAT'S AN ORDER!" I shouted as my strength was weakening. I looked at Drake to come collect Elliott and run off to the hiding place with him. Drake nodded and charged towards us, as he was collecting Elliott I weakly started fighting again. You see we all have special powers which is what got us into this mess in the first place. As I was just about out of my "mojo" when I saw feet step in front of me Imorl using all of her strength against Creeks' men. Kicking, running, punching and biting down with her fangs. They somehow grabbed her and held a knife to her throat.

"Trey you need to get out of here!" she shouted breathlessly, I started to charge to save her from their grasp but she gently looked at me to tell me not to save her. I felt someone grab me, I turned around and it was Drake trying to get me to leave Imorl behind. Reluctantly I went with him to connect with the others.

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