Note Eight (War)

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I got up, lying right by Drake. I looked at him and saw his dorky smile grow across his face.

"Shut up." I said with a little laugh.

"I didn't say anything." he said, still smiling. I stood up and looked at the others fast asleep.

"It's not fair, they're kids. Fantastic sweet kids, they deserve better. Imorl, she deserved better." I whispered looking around. "This war has to end."

"I know it does, and it will, I promise, but right now we're not ready to go up against him. We won't last five seconds." Drake said, rubbing my shoulders.

"But we will be eventually." said Elliott, waking up. Drake and I looked over to him as he walked up to us. "I've been doing a little research and we seem to be evolving, especially you Trey. If we all evolve enough there might come a day where we can defeat Creek. I was reading up on these things that started out like us but now they're basically gods. Even their leader and his little sister started out as humans, through a tragedy they were awoken."

"Ok, but we're not gods, we're teenagers with powers!"

"I never said that we were gods. I'm saying if two mortal kids can become such powerful beings, imagine what we could be!"

"We could stop Creek!" Hydro chimed in.

"Yeah but how do we evolve?" I asked.

"Well for us it just happens, but for you it seems to be constantly happening and it's also triggered by your emotions." said Elliott.

"Great, so is that good or bad?"

"A little bit of both, on the one hand you could be the most powerful being and use it to defeat Creek!"


"Don't you see? You're the only one who can!" he was getting so excited about this.

"Elliott!" I felt panic starting to rise up in me, my brain was racing as I started to lose control. I started backing away from the group holding my head and freaking out. "I can't!" I screamed and fell to the ground, water formed a force field around me. Well that's new.

"Water? Really Trey?" said Drake crossing his arms.

"See? Evaluation." Elliott said, smiling.

"Ok, you need to shut up." Drake said pointing towards Elliott.

"No I don't! She can do this!" I stormed off away from everyone. I flew off into some mountains by us. I couldn't do this. I'm not strong enough, well I might be too strong. What if while trying to defeat Creek I destroy the world? I mean that would defeat the whole purpose. First of all everyone would be dead humans and Qua'nalls, second I won't put everyone in danger. That's the last thing I want to do. Man, I wish Imorl was here. She would know exactly what to do.

"Well, I wouldn't say I know EXACTLY what to do." came a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Imorl, well her ghost. I just stared at her with my jaws wide open.

"I'm going crazy, that's all. I'm insane, officially insane." I said starting to walk away.

"Possibly but didn't we conclude that a long time ago?" said Imorl, she looked the way she described herself before she turned into a vampire. Long blonde wavy hair, normal warm skin, beautiful blue eyes. "Trey what are you doing?"

"They want me to go up against Creek, Mor I'll destroy everything if I do that!"

"Yes, I suppose you will."


"If you say you will even though you haven't even tried it, then you must know the outcome."

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