Note Four (The Loss)

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So let's see it's been a week now I have a vampire losing control of her blood thirst, two starving children, a boy that turned into a dog, a tragic love story in the making and the entire world wanting us all dead. The Crew was asleep as I watched over them, I noticed Imorl twitching in her sleep. If she didn't feed soon her humanity will be gone and so will she. I felt someone sit right by me, I looked over and saw Drake. I rested my head on his shoulder before he put his arm around me.

"I know what you're planning." he finally said after the silence. "I won't let you do it, I can't lose you Trey, not after everything we've been through."

"We may not have a choice." I was trying not to show him how scared I really was, because I have to be the one to kill Creek. In order to do that I would have to use everything in me, therefore killing myself.

"Absolutely not!" Imorl screamed.

"Mor just listen!"

"Trey no!"

I got frustrated with her so I just walked off. I felt my powers building up due to the tension. Imorl started walking after me and grabbed my arm, as a reaction I waved my hand back and struck her with my powers, activating her "primal" state. Her eyes went from her normal hazel brown to blood red, her hair went from white to pitch black. Like mine only somehow darker, her fangs started to form.

"Trey RUN! ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF HERE!" she screamed, falling to the ground I grabbed Elliy forcing her to run. I was still staring at Imorl as we heard sirens going off. I looked back at Drake who was carrying Elliy, he shook his head and tried to make me follow them.

"Keep them safe, I love you." I shouted as the sirens got louder, tears formed in Drake's eyes as he ran off with the others. I looked back at Imorl who was panting and fighting herself more.

"Trey I told you to run!" she said, weakly grabbing her stomach.

"And leave you? I don't think so! Imorl grab my hand!" I said reaching out, I didn't know where to go, the sirens grew closer to us. Imorl nodded and did exactly as I asked, I held her as we ran into some woodlands by the city. I layed Imorl down when I knew we were in a hidden place. She was more pale than normal and a lot colder.

"There's only one way out of this, if I give my power to you then Creek won't get it!" I dragged her towards a more hidden area she was getting weaker by the second.

"No that'll kill you!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes, I needed to find her blood and soon. I was frantically looking around us for any lifesource that had blood in it, but my luck was running out and so was my time.

"Trey, I was supposed to die a long time ago but you need to survive for the other Qua'nalls and The Crew. You have Drake and after this you two are going to be an amazing normal couple after this." she was dying and still so positive, how was I going to do this without her? She smiled and muttered some foreign words, I didn't understand at first but then I knew. Imorl was giving me her powers, which would kill her. I started sobbing as I held her close to me.

"I love you." I faintly heard her say before I passed out. A couple hours later I woke up light headed and a little thirsty. I looked over and saw Imorl who had her eyes open still.

"Mor?" I said sitting up and holding her in my arms. I started sobbing as I held her close to me as I closed her eyes, she looked so peaceful. She was gone and this was my final snapping point, I screamed so loud that I caused an earthquake. I just sat there and held her, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I was holding my sister's dead body, well the next dead body will be Creek. I heard someone walking towards us from behind, I looked behind and saw one of Creek's men. Well I had to feed somehow, right? I made a fire circle to surround him and waved his weapon out of his hand. I crossed through the circle and bent his neck, I then sucked every ounce of blood out of him, he fell to the ground. I stepped out of the fire and let it catch on the body. I washed off any blood off my mouth, Creek couldn't find out that I was now a vampire. I grabbed Imorl's body and flew off to find the others, she deserved a proper ceremony. I flew about ten miles and saw The Crew on a cliff above a waterfall, I headed towards them and made a solid landing still holding Imorl. The Crew rushed to me in their eyes I saw shock and grief.

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