Chapter 1

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The baby's coming

And how! 

I see a nose

I see a curl 

It's a healthy, perfect

Lovely, little 

Sweet Oz! 

What is it? what's wrong?


Regina and Robin waited in the blue chairs at the Storybrooke hospital maternity ward. It felt like hours were passing by in every minute.

"It'll be alright," Regina said to Robin, rubbing his arms. "Soon we'll have a little healthy baby and everything ill be perfect."

"I just feel bad about all of it," he muttered.

"Zelena would never make a good mother," Regina reassured him. "We're doing the right thing for the child."

"I know but—"

"Maybe she'll finally see what she's been doing wrong," Regina said. "I changed a lot for Henry. Maybe Zelena will finally decide she needs to do better."

Robin nodded. "It doesn't make this any easier."

"It never does," she said, kissing his cheek.

A doctor came out and they both stood up.

"It's not going well," he told them.

"Why not?" Robin asked.

The doctor just shook his head. "These things can be complicated."

"But everything will be fine?"

"Right now, we see no reason that the mother and child won't both survived."

They both sighed, leaning into each other as the doctor continued: "I'll let you know if there any changes."

Robin pulled Regina into a hug and buried his face in her shoulder. Regina wrapped her arms around him and ran a hand through his hair.

"Everything will be alright," she told him. "It will all work out in the end, it always does."

"You're starting to sound like Snow," he chuckled.

"Optimism is depressingly contagious."

They pulled away and Robin stroked her face. "I love you," he said, "so very much. I am so excited to start a family together."

She looked away. "I just wish I could give it to you everything you wanted."

"Regina..." he started, "you are giving me everything."

"No, I'm not. I can't."

"Regina, stop it. We are about to get everything we wanted, and then we'll be happy. Today is a happy day."

She sighed. "You're right." She took his hands in hers and brought them to her lips.

He smiled and sat down, pulling her into his lap. She nestled up to him and kissed his cheek and giggled as he kissed hers. Today, they couldn't be happier. It was the start of a new life.

Roland and Henry were just as excited for a younger sibling. They were currently with the Charmings, who were planning some party once the child was born.

"You know, we could just send Zelena away," Regina started.

"I thought we talked about this. She should be involved, even if not at first. Once she's proved she can be a good mother."

"I was just thinking it might be kinder if she was gone, didn't remember anything. She could start a new life somewhere far away, never bother us again."

"That's not fair for the child."

"The child would never know."

"But we would know, Regina. I don't want to start this with a lie."

Regina nodded. "Okay, you're right." She pushed her hair behind her ears. "I just don't want her around; able to mess things up."

"I get that, but I don't want to lie to our child. I want him or her to know their mother, as long as it's safe, of course, but—"

"I get it, Robin," Regina said, "I'm just not sure I like it."

"I don't either, but it's the right thing to do. You have to trust me on this."

"I do, I trust you with everything."

"Okay," replied Robin. "okay, now let's just sit here." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I love you Regina and I always will." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Sometime later, a doctor came to collect them. "It's time," he said, "the baby's coming."

They followed him into the birthing room.

"I don't want them here," a tiered Zelena muttered, gasping for air. Her face was red, and she was covered in beaded sweat.

The couple stood back against the wall, giving the doctors room as the baby came. Zelena was struggling, her breathing sharp and jagged too exhausted to scream. The only noise she made was desperate grunts.

"I see a head, you're doing well Zelena." Some more doctors crowded around her.

Regina and Robin held hands, waiting for the wail of a child. They saw the doctors rush around Zelena and handle something the size of a shield under the sheets. The room went quiet as Zelena let out a sigh of relief.

'Can... can I... see..." she muttered, in a daze.

The doctors were still.

"The baby is dead," someone declared.

"No," Zelena whispered, a shaking hand raising to her mouth as she stifled a wail that wasn't even there.

Regina's heart dropped. She pulled robin close to her and buried her face in his neck. Zelena's wails grew.

"Maybe it would be kind to send her away," Robin whispered into her ear. "So she doesn't remember."

Regina nodded. There was no point keeping her locked up in an asylum. She would be no danger to them if she could never come back, or even remember she hated them. Pulling Robin closer with one hand, she used all the magic she could muster to send Zelena off somewhere far away, but somewhere she would be safe. It was more than she deserved. But maybe, just maybe, she would make something good of her new life.

"We can always adopt," Robin said, "as you did with Henry." He kissed her neck and held her tightly.

"We can," Regina agreed.

But they did not. And across the sea, Zelena gave birth to another daughter no one had known about and decided to raise the girl on her own. She called her Morrighan. 

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