Chapter 19

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Later that night, Regina was worried. And she did what was starting to do when she gets worried, she called Zelena. Because Zelena would know what to do because Zelena was Morrighan's mother.

"Regina," Zelena answered groggily. "What time is it?"

"I didn't think it was too late for you," she said in apology.

"Oh, right yeah, no, I'm in Tokyo. Different time zone," she said. "Why are you calling?"

"Morrighan said something about money for university and-"

"I told her not to tell you," Zelena huffed. "She's blowing this out of proportion. Do not listen to her. In a few days she will have written up a day by day spending plan form now till the end of her degree and she will be fine. She likes plans and this one got messed up and now she is panicking. Trust me, in a few days, she will be fine. She might have to choose a different dorm plan or live off-campus. Possibly, and only if she is over budgeting or overspending. It's not going to kill her." She paused. "Look, I'm just sick of this conversation. I will admit some of it is my fault for being too much of a miser and worrier when she was younger, but trust me, she will be fine. Do you think I would have let this happen if I thought it was going to mess up her chances at university, especially with the way you were using it as leverage?"

"Alright then," Regina said. "Are you sure, if you need something I can-"

"No," Zelena said. "I have more than enough saved up for her. As I said, she's making a mountain out of a mole-" Zelena cut herself off with a coughing fit.

"Lena?" A new voice said, jarring Regina with the use of a nickname. Mattias. Regina had never thought of someone having an affectionate nickname for her half-sister. "Geh jetzt schlafen." Go to sleep now. Morrighan's German lessons were working, it seemed.

Zelena was hacking up a storm on the other line.

"Lena, schlaf bitte." Lena, sleep please. "Komm ins Bett, du brauchst deine Energie." Come to bed, you need your energy. Mattias was pleading with her to take care of herself.

"Zelena, are you okay?" Regina asked.

"I'm bloody dying," she snapped back between heaving coughs. Regina took that as a no. It was also the first time Zelena had admitted to her half-sister that she was dying, and it made Regina feel odd and conflicted.

"You should come to Storybrooke," Regina said. Then she could heal Zelena and she would not have to feel too guilty all the time.

There was no reply, but the coughing fit seemed to subside, and she could hear Mattias muttering something to Zelena, but she could not make out what. There were muffled sounds of whimpering. Zelena was dying.

"Why?" Zelena gasped as she regained her composure. Mattias was still talking on the background, softly. Regina wondered if he was doing the same thing Robin did when she was sick, hold her tightly and tell her how much he loved her, sometimes kissing her for good measure. Being her support and comfort when she needed it.

"Well, I was just thinking that it might be nice and..." she trailed off, unsure.

"I can't, Regina," Zelena said softly. "I have kids and work and a bunch of other stuff. I may not work a nine to five, but I still have a well-paying job and mouths to feed. I still have a life and people who care about me. I can't just swoop in and fix the mess you made." She paused. "I want to, for Morgan's sake, but I can't. You have to sort this out yourself."

Mattias said something to her, and she replied. They had a mini conversation before Zelena said: "What if you came to Heidelberg instead?"


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