Chapter 5

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"It is such an uncomfortable feeling to know one is a fool."

― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

They walked to Granny's. Morrighan walked in front of them, disinterested. Robin held Regina's hand, a small smile on his face. He did know what he had expected, but things were not going as wrong as he feared they could be. 

They made it Granny's. It was fairly busy, both outside and in. When they entered, they saw why. The jukebox had been removed in favour of a makeshift stage, It was Karaoke night. 

Regina nudged Morrighan. "Wanna try?"

"No," she replied.

"I'd bet you'd give a killer performance."

"No," she reiterated. "I haven't done any warm-ups, and besides, Karaoke is for those who can't sing to have their moments. Trust me, no one wants me signing."

Regina chuckled. She had been at enough of these to know that Morrighan's sentiment was not shared by Gideon, Mr. Gold and Belle's son. "I think you'll find that's not the case here," she said. 

Morrighan shrugged. "I still haven't warmed up. I'm not damaging my vocal chord for your amusement."

Ruby stepped in. "Hi, where may I seat you?"

"Anywhere," Robin said.

They got seated in a booth near the middle of the row. They got handed menus. Morrighan opened hers up quickly and started scanning it. A few people were looking at them; at Morrighan more accurately. She did not seem to notice, or she was good at pretending not too.

Ruby came back to take their orders. Both Robin and Regina opted for hamburgers while  Morrighan ordered a salad, dairy-free. People started singing. Regina and Robin were sitting facing the stage, but Morrighan sat on the edge of the bench to watch. She smiled and applauded in between bites.

When they were done, they did not leave. However, they did stand up to free the bench for newcomers. It was getting crowded inside the tiny restaurant and the door was soon wedged open to try and expand the space into the front patio.

Morrighan was standing near a group of girls around her age, including Alexandra, Cinderella's daughter. She wasn't talking with them, but she did seem semi-engaged in whatever they were talking about.

Mr. Gold and Belle came in.

Regina went over to greet them, hugging Belle. Gideon walked right over to the group of girls. Regina watched intently. Alexandra practically jumped on him. She moved a bit closer to overhear as Gideon brushed them off and went over to Morrighan.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi." She waved back ambivalently. 

"So you're a new face," he continued.

"Yep." She sounded disinterested.

"Gonna go up an sing? I bet you got a pretty voice. I normally steal the show, so you might want to get up there before I do."

Was he flirting with her?

"Nah, I'm good."

Regina was pretty sure she could take care of herself though. Morrighan had been acting passive since she came to Storybrooke, but Regina had a gut feeling there was a strong character down there. There had to be. Morrighan was related to herself of course. And Zelena. 

"Besides," Morrighan continued. "I haven't warmed up at all, and I'm used to being the show-stopper. I'd hate to deprive you of your coveted title."

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