Chapter 8

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Zelena was sick. Regina had called back. Zelena's husband had picked up. He confirmed it. Some unknown illness. Zelena was going in and out of good days and bad days, days when she could perform at the circus and days when she could barely get out of bed. The doctors prescribed something new every few months. 

Zelena thought everyone was overreacting. Everything thought that was how she rationalizing her mortality. No one had bothered to tell Regina or Robin. 

That's when the realized they had no idea what Zelena did at the circus. So they googled it. She did the Russian Bar. It was a long, flexible bar held by two men, one on either side, and they used it as a trampoline to fling her into the air as did flips and tricks and got caught by aerialists.

They couldn't imagine the Zelena they knew doing circus, but the proof was right in front of them. Zelena was not the Zelena they knew. She had a loving husband and children. She had a carrier. And not just as a performer. She was high up in the circus administration. But she had not changed. She was a completely new person. And there was a difference. What would happen if she got her old memories back? Regina highly doubted she'd be the virtuous person her cursed self was.

Morrighan was still out on her morning run. Even so, Regina found herself checking over her shoulder before she wrote Morrighan Westen into the search bar. She's resisted googling her niece for some time now. Maybe that had been a mistake. 

Robin sat down beside her and put his arm around her waist. Regina pressed the search button.

The results started popping up. The first one was a YouTube Channel entitled Morgan & Cirque. They watched the trailer. It started with a clip of her and Zelena walking down a street, giggling and talking in German. The music picked up and the scene changed to Morrighan lying on a bed. "Hi, I'm Morrighan," she said before it quickly flashed a bunch of pictures. "Here you'll find vlogs, reviews, multilingual videos, and lots of exclusive behind the scenes." For the last thirty seconds or so, a bunch of different clips showing Morrighan and others participating in all sorts of activities in a variety of locals. It ended with Mrrighan in her Wicked Witch costume filming herself in the mirror while she said: "Sleduy za mnoy v etom zlom puteshestvii." White text translated it as "Follow me on this wicked journey." Then the video faded to black and prompted them to subscribe.

Regina went to the "About" tab. It read: "Hi, I'm Morrighan Westen. I'm currently located in the US as Broadway's Elphaba in Wicked: The Musical. Multilingual. Grew up in a travelling circus, Starlight Euphoria. Let's hang out." It was followed by a bunch of contact info.

The most recent video had been filmed in her room here. It was a book review. They went through her channel. There were countless videos of her reviewing books, signing, performing, and behind the scenes. 

Robin took the mouse from Regina and sorted the videos by most popular. The majority popular ones had to do with Wicked, with the exception of one posted a year ago entitled "Dro Straps Morrighan & Lorcan - Circus expo." It had close to a million views.

"Do you trust me that much?" Regina joked after they watched it.

"Honestly Regina, I don't trust myself to try that." They both chuckled. "She's very good at it," Robin said.

"Yeah, she is," Regina said. "She's goo at everything so far. You would be proud."

"It's not my accomplishment," Robin said. "I hate it, I want it to be, but it's not mine. It hers and Zelena's and that boy Lorcan's." He sighed. "I wonder if they're dating. Oh god, she could be dating." He ran his hands through his hair. "I have no idea."

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