Chapter 4

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"I've heard it said

That people come into our lives for a reason

Bringing something we must learn"

~ For Good, Wicked: The Musical

Morrighan sat on the bed after she had finished putting up the posters. Honestly, she did not want to look at them. But she could not bear to hide them away somewhere. She could not believe that no one knew about the Gershwin. It did not make any sense. Everyone knew about the Gershwin.

It had been a few days. She spent them all up here in her room. She went out for runs in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening. She did not talk much. She had not opened her phone or answered when Country called, every day before the show. Everyone knew about the Gershwin. This town seemed a bit out of touch with modern culture, but that still seemed a bit extreme.

Regina should have known at least. Regina had read all the documents, cut all the contracts, made all the negotiations. Regina got her here and said she had to get a "real job" (like eight shows a week was not a real job!) and seemed to have everything under control. She looked over at her alarm clock. The red letter told her that she had been sitting there for the better part of an hour.

She got up and walked over the carpet. It was nice, but it was not staying. She rolled it up and stuffed into the walk-in closet. Somehow, the closest felt like it was the size of the Volkswagen camper her and Lorcan shared when they travelled with the circus. They had only gotten it a few years ago when both their parents decided this would be the best time to have more children and They both had gotten their licenses. It made the few clothes she had brought seem even smaller.

Morrighan had not bothered with anything that was not civil and normal. Costumes and projects and such she sent back to her mom's house in Heidelberg. She hoped her mom was alright.

She opened her phone and opened Instagram. She started a live stream. "When they told me, I was gonna be on Broadway," she started, "this was not what I imagined." She joked, showing a quick pan around her room. "Anyways," she laid down on her bed, "I want to apologize to anyone who bought tickets to see me and won't be any longer, but I promise the Jinny is sweet and amazing and she's got a phenomenal singing voice. You will be in for an amazing show. I am just going to go over some things. I will not be getting a PO box. I do not want people finding me here and getting mad at people and stuff. You can still send me things to the PO box in Heidelberg, my mom's putting it all in my room and anything sent to the New York address with be forwarded there as well. I am doing well. I'm alive. A lot of people want to know how I got in. Pretty much this guy knew about the secret project and was pitching me to my mom and the circus without knowing it, and when they did find out my mom send me the texts, which I forwarded to my agent because they were funny. And she sent them to George, who thought that he had a really good idea and somehow it eventually turned into the three of us doing Broadway and three months later we started on Broadway. I can't really say more than that because I'm not allowed to talk about but that's the blow-by-blow of what went down." She chuckled. "Anyways, I'm bored. Ask me questions, I don't know."


Regina was bringing up some snacks when she heard Morrighan talking. She stopped just short of the door to listen.

"So, IloveEplie465 wants me to do a drunk recap of Wicked. I am not old enough to drink, but I can do a silly recap. So basically the room is dark, and then dun dun dun the music starts and the dragon moves and these monkeys fly in from everywhere causing chaos and they lift the map and then Glinda swoops in her bubble while everyone is singing because they've been terrorized and Glinda is telling them that everything will be okay and that need to rejoicify. And there's a big party and everyone is asking Glinda questions about the witch and then someone asks if they used to be friends and then the music rushes and this is the part where I run onto the stage in my beanie and glasses and everyone is cheering and I'm happy and Elphie's happy. Then my dad comes and he's all like 'Elphie care for Nessa I love Nessie and not you' and no one else likes Elphie 'cause she's green and Glinda comes in on this mountain of suitcases after like a seven-second change which is amazing. Madame Morrible sticks us into the same room and we do not like this, and they try to take my younger sister away from so I get mad and her wheelchair goes crazy. Then the teacher is all like 'Elphie you are amazing you will meet the wizard one day' and I get my first of three solos for act one..."

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