Chapter Five

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        There’s light and swirls and blurs and colors and a face that is inching closer to me. I think it’s Ryan, because I think he managed to get ahold of the chair as it rocketed off to nowhere. I don’t really know what will happen if he, I don’t know, lets go and falls into the great unknown, so I attempt to arise from my shackles to assist him.

    After forever, I grab ahold of him and pull him to where I think is up, and I feel a warm body next to me. Wow. That sounded really weird. I meant that I can feel his presence. He’s there, which means I can lay down, shut my eyes, and continue to vomit inwardly as blurs dance across my vision.

    The dizziness I’m feeling is like being spun around fifteen times, put on a rollercoaster only consisting of loop-de-loops, and then gotten on a Twirl-a-Whirl/Teacup Spin.

It seems like forever happened in a blink of an eye before I’m in front of the same landscape as in the third encounter in the bathroom. An island is close by, with ocean slowly filling at my feet as we sit on the Throne.

That’s all I manage to see before I externally vomit in the water.

“It’s alright to vomit. It happens with all newbies,” Ryan comments nonchalantly, as if we didn’t go through the Whirl of Death. As if he’s done this before.

“So can I vomit on you then Ryan? If that’s even your name?” I judge as I recollect myself.

He’s keeping BIG secrets. As in this-involves-you-greatly-but-I-can’t-tell-you-yet secrets. I don’t particularly like that.

“My name’s Ryan Pipper, and I am human, I promise.”

“Oh, so I’m just going to take your word, just like that? You lied to me somehow, even if it wasn’t by words, but by actions. By pretending that you are just a regular, hot jerk. So tell me, Ryan. What the fig is happening?”

His face doesn’t change as jumps out of the Throne, carefully avoiding my mess, and starts to swim to the island. I watch for five seconds as he gracefully glides through the water....before I dive in after him. No way am I sitting in here without answers.

Quickly, I catch up to him (although I think he’s going slow on purpose, that son-of-a-gun) and silently spit fire at him, to which he swims faster to, as if he could read my mind.

You never know, Kassie. Maybe that’s his specie’s secret.

When we finish our casual swimming for the wondrous evening, I elegantly collapse on the shore. Yeah, I’m not moving for a couple of days.

“Come on, Kass.” he lectures, “you have to get to know me. To know who I am.”

“A lying player who is the son of beauty? This will be fantastic,” I mumble through the sand.

“Yeah, ok,” he responds, picking me up by my arms and forcing me to rise. He guides me across the bank until we reach a cliff that I didn’t see from my spot on the Throne. Down below is a forest that has no opening, with the top of trees barely in sight. Beyond the last line of trees, I can see another shore with water silently lapping the sides. It’s a nice photograph, but I didn’t exactly pack a camera.  

“Ready?” Ryan asks as he grasps my hand in his.

“For what?” I inquire as he pulls me down with him off the edge.

Butterflies flutter up my stomach, awakened from the stone that drops in the pit of my belly. The world is a blur, and I am so tired of blurs. Let’s rid the world of blurs forever, shall we?

I look down (you would too, admit it) and I see the tree tops rising up toward me, about to impale me as I am holding Ryan Pipper’s hand in mine. I guess this isn’t such a bad way to die, is it? Next to a stranger, crashing down through spiky branches and leaves, splattering on the ground. No other way I’d like to die.

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