Chapter Twenty One

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    There is no way that I am letting go of this Throne, not after what happened with the demented tea partyists. I know from previous times that it’s really difficult to fly off the Throne when you’re sitting down, because gravity is locking you in that seat. When you don’t have a secure seating, there’s a different story, but as for now, I think I’m good.

    I get to thinking that maybe the disappearance of the Throne will raise some alarm back in the society, and that isn’t the entrance I want to make. It seems wrong, to scare them into believing me, something Emilia Honey would do. Just in time, I make the decision to turn invisible and find my center, commanding my body to put a facade on. My dizziness parts to reveal the hilly landscape of the Storm Society. Just like in the bathroom, the hills here seem to stretch on forever, and they resemble a ripple in the water.

    I scan the horizon, trying to locate the Storm Society’s camp. Unfortunately for me, they seem to be at a bottom of a hill, which makes their location all that more difficult to find. A part of me wishes there would be a person here, looking at the newfound Throne with complete confusion. At least they’d be able to lead me back to their camp, instead of me having to go on a wild goose chase.

    I wipe away my invisibility, figuring that being completely open and honest will make them welcome me in more. The day is still young, so I set out to find them. Walking is my best strategy, and I look at all the dips around the Throne for them. I figure that if the Throne is here, then they are near. Oh look at that, I'm a poet and I didn’t know it.

    There’s no sign of the Storm Society at all, and I’m starting to have my doubts. Maybe I won’t find them, maybe they’re in another dimension and somehow my summoning went wrong. Now that is enough to make me want to wet my pants. I keep pushing, because something in my gut is telling me to keep pushing on, that there is something special waiting for me. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s better than what my situation is right now. I hate wandering around like a dummy because it makes me look like I’m wandering around like a dummy.

    I expand my scouting to hills that are much farther from the Throne than I would have thought, and I’m starting to get impatient. The camp always set up near the Throne when I was there, and it was always in sight too. What could have changed since I was… oh wait a second. If I can’t find them, does that mean… no, I can’t finish that thought. If I truly can’t find them, then there’s a good chance that part one to the Honey’s plan is good to go. The only doubt I have that doesn’t allow me to accept that the villain won is the fact that the Throne is still here. It’s not destroyed or anything. In fact, I came here on it with no trouble at all. My original thought that all is done was stupid, but it was still a thought that couldn’t help but come up. I have to start believing in myself, or else I’m going to jinx myself out so much that I won’t  be able to complete the task and be a hero.

    On the top of a certain hill east of the Throne, my foot hits something long and rough. Looking down abruptly, I spot my first sign that the Storm Society is alive and running. A segment of rope is lying on the ground, and I reach down to pick the rope up. On one end, the strings are frayed and chaotic, yet on the other, the end is knotted in a large sailor knot.

    Suspicious….but so very helpful. With more skip in my step now, I practically roll down the hill as I scramble to the top of the hill just one beyond me. I can hardly control my glee as tents spring up into view, and I crouch down to survey the camp in secrecy. The dip between the hills is large, at least ten times larger than the usual gaps between the hills. For some reason, I didn’t see this completely and utterly noticeable clue, and I inwardly smack myself so hard that I get chills, which I didn’t even know was possible.

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