Chapter Twenty Two

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    I jumped to my feet so I could face her. “What do you want, Honey bee?” I growled with annoyance. I hadn’t talked to her full-on in such a long time, and in that period, I was the happiest person on this planet.

    “Do we have to call each other names now?” she mockingly pouts as she sticks out her bottom lip. I back up step by step as she advances down the hill lazily step by step. “I really, truly thought we were friends, Kassie.” She can stop the trash talk now. It’s so cliche I want to point it out to her sashaying figure that’s descending down the hill towards me.

    I decide to cut to the chase, just like all the movie stars do. I can go along with this game. At least I know how to play. “What do you want, Emilia? Honestly, I have to formulate a plan to stop your move,” I tell her, even though she already knows this. She’s at the bottom of the hill now, and I decide to give up on my retreating defense plan. It’s not worth it, because she has magic and I have magic. It’s time to settle this for real.

    “What do I want? Well, I’ve always wanted a Coach bag!” Emilia starts to slowly wander around me in a circle, and she mocks this with a pop of her lipsticked lips as she leans forward slightly. Hesitantly, I try to make her assume that I’m nervous and I flinch at her jab closer to me. A small chuckle resonates from her, and she continues on her course. “That, annnnnd for you to leave me be so I can take over this place!” She raises her eyebrows at me, as if it will seduce me into going along with her plan. If she’d think that I would give up that easily after everything I’ve faced to stop her, then she would be best described as cuckoo.

    “Fat chance. I’d rather dip myself on poison,” I spat, and she giggles as she jumps up and down. What the heck? It really seems that she is just a stupid, young girl, but I see through it. Beneath all of the giggles and stupid hits, there is the evilest soul out there, if you don’t count her mother’s. Guess it runs in the family.

    “So you’d rather die than get me a present? Aren’t you a little overdramatic?” she titters as she sneers, and by now, she’s given up on her prowling. Instead, she decides to advance on me. I can tell by the gleam in her eyes that she’s not afraid to kill, and with this newfound resolution, I transport myself in a flash to the top of the hill. Yes, she can do the same, but it’ll buy me time.

    “I see you’ve picked up some skills as well Ms.Kassie. I’m impressed, even though that didn’t really do you any good,” she sneers from down below, and I place both hands on my hips to aggravate her. I know at any time, she could flash herself beside me and slice me open, so I place a ward around me without her knowing. I’m not taking any chances with this witch.

    “Stop playing. I’ve told you once to cut to the chase. Why are you really here Emilia?” I shout from above, and she starts to pace back and forth. She splays her fingers against one another as she walks, and she truly has a thinking face on. At least, I think it’s a genuine expression. I can’t really tell from up here.

She stops pacing and mirrors my pose to face me. “Isn’t it obvious? When our meeting is over hero,” she sneers, “you’re dead meat. I can’t have you running around while my plan is still in motion! This is my whole life’s work here, and some wannabe isn’t going to stop me!” She overconfidently smirks, and I’ve found a weakness for her. Her cockiness is her undoing.

I quickly cast a spell, one that’s enough to give me the leeway here along with the ward I placed on myself. “If you’re so eager, how about you come and get me?” I bait, and she takes it.

“Gladly,” she mouths, and in a split second, she’s behind me. I feel a cool knife against my throat, and although I’m trying not to give anything away, I smile to myself. She feels my lightheartedness and digs the blade in deeper, drawing blood in the process. She’s in my trap now. Not only does she bounce back due to my ward, she freezes because of the spell I cast to do exactly that when blood is drawn by the opponent.

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