Chapter Ten (Double Digits!!!)

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   Author's Note: Since it is my tenth chapter, I am going to make this chapter really dramatic! Enjoy!!! :))))))))))))

        After three times of visiting this bridge between the realms, I have managed to maintain eye contact and a conversation whilst pummeling to what seems like doom.

    “You know,” Ryan points out, “we were kind of supposed to recruit some new recruits.”

    “Recruit some new recruits? We wouldn’t need to hire some new people because a)you have me and b)you have me,” I say with an exaggerated bat of my eyelashes. I can sense Ryan rolling his eyes, and I quicken my blinking to annoy him.

    “Ok princess, but it still would have been nice to get some more help,” Ryan says. With a low voice, he mutters under his breath, “Someone who actually did something.”

    “I have a feeling that was directed at me,” I scoff. “Excuse me, but I went diamond hunting not that long ago and almost broke my back! It’s not my fault YOU haven’t trained me to be a storm bully.” He’s chuckling to himself, and with sudden impulse, I whack him in the arm. “We start real training as soon as we get back,” I demand as the Throne lands in our dimension.

    Everyone in the camp is gathered in a circle around the landing area, and on our arrival, they cheer. Off in the distance, I can see a select few starting to carry the boxes back to camp not far away at all, but it’s hard to tell who is who in this dark world.

    Although the people have to be a bit disappointed there are no new recruits, they don’t show it. I can see they’re trying not to dampen our success, and I greatly appreciate that.

    A couple of them up front hold out hands for us, and unlike Ryan, I gladly take them as they assist me down from the Throne.

    I look up in the eyes of an elderly man helping me and see sadness in his eyes, even though it’s mostly concealed. So I was right. They are disappointed, and I can tell they need some leadership. When I see Ryan isn’t going to do anything, I speak up. “I know you wanted more recruits,” I say with a truly sorry expression. I gaze at every single face while I talk, trying to gouge their expression. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get more. After some more trips, I know we’ll get some, but for now, I need you guys to work hard to make up for these not present people. We are not just the Storm Society, but the Strong Storm Society.

    “I know I’m the most recent member, and I don’t know a lot of you, but let me tell you something about me; I never quit. So yes, will give you more recruits, and they will add to the strength you already have. Let us celebrate for our food and hope for the recruits. Hope, but don’t mourn. I believe in every one of you. Thank you,” I finish, and I hear a collection of clapping. There are tears in their eyes, but instead of sadness, there’s hope now, and I can feel it in the air.

    A smile blooms on Ryan’s face according to my peripheral vision, and I turn my head slightly to check if I wasn’t imagining it. I grin as I see his grin is proud and strong, and I feel giddy inside.

I pick up a box and start to walk away, and many people mimic me, grabbing their own boxes. A feeling creeps up my sign, my sixth sense that there’s something wrong, and I for some accurate reason turn around to face the now gone Throne.

“That’s not supposed to happen, is it?” I ask as I gather everyone’s attention. One by one,

turn and spot the missing chair with alarm. Everyone drops their boxes and crowds around the spot once more. Theories start circling that my word is true, and the Throne has been sent back by itself to fulfill my promise, and I start to tell them no so as to not disappoint them just as the Throne reappears.

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