Chapter Eighteen

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    Oh my gosh. This was always about resurrecting her husband and living their lives once more. She knew what had to be done, and she’s carrying along with her plan, even if it involves killing off her daughter and seven billion people. You could look at it with a positive twist, saying their love is so strong that death could not rip them apart. But, more accurately, you could say that she’s gone wacko and is willing to be a murderer to be reunited with her dead husband that would probably take one look at her and be too overcome by her evilness to even look in her direction.

    I know that if I confront her now about it, something bad will happen, so I patiently wait for something big to happen. There’s something in my gut telling me to stay, so even if I’m missing my ride back home, I am going to stay to await this huge thing to happen. I watch Wenona and watch her as she packs her bags to go home, wherever that is. She packs her laptop and a couple of books, including the Earth portal one, and while this event isn’t huge, I make myself follow her out of her office. The book is the only proof I need to blow her cover, and I need to get my hands on there. If that means following her to her house, than that’s what I shall do. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something important there.

    I follow her through the walls until I can’t follow her any longer as she climbs into her blue mini van. She speeds off, and I wait until she turns the corner before I render myself visible to the world. I conjure up a bike from midair and climb on top of it, pedaling away like a rebel due to my lack of helmet. I enchant my bike so it goes the speed of a car, but to the eyes of everyone else, I’m just pedaling along like a normal day. The magic takes up a lot of my strength, but I reassure myself over and over again that it’s for my own good and the good of everyone I’m tricking.

    Because of my increased speed, I manage to catch up to the blue minivan soon enough, and I allow myself to ease up on the speed some since I don’t have to catch up to her now. I follow closely behind her, and I can see her silhouette through the tinted window. She’s bobbing her head up and down to music, and she looks so much like someone my age that I inwardly barf.  

    My terror is short lived as she turns right into a rocky driveway. Her house is a small, two-story cottage on the outskirts of town, and it suits her outside persona well. The cute, little young woman that I met on that run clearly echoes through her little house, but I’m not fooled. There’s probably a torture chamber in her basement.

    So as to not raise suspicion, I continue to pedal on past her house. I release my mind trick on everyone and pedal at a normal speed. For two blocks, I pedal, trying to find a place to park my bike. A small drug store pops out of the ground up ahead, and I pull into their parking lot. I chain my bike to a post and enter the store. I make money appear in my pocket as I enter. That is the last useless magic I’ll do, because all magic comes with a price, and I’ve been using a lot of magic with no thought. The consequences are piling up, and I know that they’re forming into a great repercussion that’ll hurt me in so many ways.

    That being said, I’m not going to waste my magic on the useless stuff right now. I’ll do this the right way, right after I hand the unearned and immoral money to the cashier. I exit the store with a new backpack, several granola bars, a circle of rope, some hair ties, and a small pocketknife. I’m happy with my new stock of stuff, but I’m even more happier that I didn’t even use magic to convince the guy at the cashier to sell this stuff to a girl in a ballgown. I guess my beauty won him over. That doesn’t happen everyday.

    There are woods around these parts, so I figure on camping out there until it gets dark enough for the whole town to go to sleep, which is in a couple of hours. I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I run to the woods, and unconsciously I hike up my skirts so they won’t get dirty. Running, I travel along the edge of the woods until I spot Wenona’s cottage, to which I stop and climb a decent tree to wait out time. I’m lucky that my dress is green, and it blends in with the leaves at the top of the tree, where I am. I forget about spiders and snakes as I make myself comfortable between two branches, and I close my eyes for a minute or two, breathing in all the nature. The nature of my stomach is heard as well as it grumbles and shouts, and I pull out a granola bar. I want to ration the food, but at the same time, I need the fuel and energy if I need to fight Wenona. I greedily and guiltily consume the bar, and so I don’t leave tracks and evidence, I stuff the wrapper into my bag.  

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