Chapter Sixteen

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        If I thought that sitting in the chair while being whisked around oblivion was horrible, than this was possible the worst thing in this planet. As soon as the button was pushed, my fight for my existence started as I attempted to hold on to the bottom of the Throne. I had no idea what would happen if I let go, but based on common knowledge, the possibility of whirling through time forever was enough to make me shudder. With this in mind, I allowed myself to feel as much pain as possible as my hands turned red and threatened to let go and my mouth ached to scream out loud. I could do neither, so I found my center to not use magic but to go to a happy place. There I sat as the world around me spun and spun and pain was so great that I wanted to cry a million tears.

    Even with the combination of determination and my center, my left hand started to go loose on me. One by one, my fingers were pulled from my death grip position, and in moments time, all I had to rely on was my right hand. Now I started to panic, because I knew I would only last a minute at most, and I started to pray like crazy, admitting my sins and hoping for my presence to still wreak goodness across the world. I guess whoever is up there didn’t pick up the phone, because I felt my right hand start to be plucked of its fingers. I tried, I really did try. I tried for Bryony, for Patrick, for my parents, for Opal and Janet, for Ryan, for Twiddles. I even tried for Emilia and Wenona, that they’d find good in their hearts eventually. I tried, and I failed.

    My pointer and middle finger the only ones left, I closed my eyes. I don’t want to see the Throne twirling away from me. I don’t want to see all my hopes and dreams be lost. I feel my middle finger give out, and I know I have five seconds left.

    4 seconds. 3. 2. Goodbye world. I fly away from the Throne, and even with my efforts to close my eyes, I manage a peek of the Throne winking out of the light tunnel. With no flying object to fight against, the tunnel grows calm, and I manage to get the hang of bobbing up and down towards nowhere. Is this what my life is like now? Just bobbing up and down until my hair turns gray and my heart gives out?

    While you spin in the Throne, all you get to see are pinks and blues and yellows galore, because the atmosphere is trying to get you out of there as fast as possible. When not registering a moving object, the portal shows its true colors. I’m floating through clouds, pink and blue and yellow fluffy clouds. There isn’t a space between one cloud to the next, and the colors there mix in the most glorious ways. It looks like Heaven in my point of view, even though I know I’m not dead... I think.

    Voices dance in my head as I near a particular cloud, one that is pink and blue and yellow. It’s unlike the others that have a singular color, and it’s separate from them as well. Between the special cloud and the others is just white space, and while that white space has me intrigued, I’m more concerned about the dialogue I’m hearing.

    “Oh, these cookies are just divine!” I can tell right away that that particular voice belongs to a dainty young woman. On cue, my stomach grumbles at the thought of delicious cookies, and I bob an inch forward.

    “Who made the tea? These herbs completely compliment the richness!” Another dainty voice, and I gather there are young woman having tea inside that cloud. My throat dries at the thought of something to drink, and I bob another inch forward.

    “And what about this lovely music? I could just simply dance to it all day!” Yet another voice chimes in. Lovely, sweet music starts to play, and I have such a strong want to join their party, that I dance my way through the rest of the distance.

I enter the cloud and see frilly decorations pasted on the walls. There is furniture such as couches, coffee tables, and dining room sets all of which are decorated in pink tablecloths and designs. At the dining room table sits three young ladies, all of which are sipping at their tea with pinkies up. Colossal hats that are blue, pink and yellow sit on each of their heads to match their poofy dresses that belong to the 1800’s. Their hair is curled magnificently, and there is so much powder on their faces that they all look the same.

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