Chapter 24 (Last One! :0)

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Hi all! This is officially my last chapter! I am at 50,000 words now, and can I just say that it has been a journey! I woud first like to thank my friend @-superwholocked- for being my number 1 supporter throughout this story, and can I just say that this wasn't possible without her.

I would also like to thank Wattpad for issuing this challenge, and I would like to thank @MrsJennKelly22 for telling me that I could do it!

Enjoy this last chapter, because while I may do some oneshots here and there, the story will be complete. Love you all!

My stomach flies to my throat as I fall from the cage, and I brace myself to take a quick dip in the electrified water and then scurry out. I figure that if I show the people that I'll take a hit for them, not only will they confidence in me, they'll help me defeat the Honeys. The whole drop lasts all of five seconds, but it feels like that time is tripled. I close my eyes as my feet touch the water, and let me say that it is most likely the worst feeling in the world. Emilia must have made these eels extra painful.

Suddenly I'm being pushed sideways, and I open my eyes with a start. My shoulder collides into the wood floor, and I bounce once at the impact. It hurts, but not as much as it would if I were to land in electrified water. My gaze snaps up to see who pushed me out of the way, but all I can detect is a person thrashing in the water. I have no thoughts as I jump into the water and wrassle the person out. I let myself take the hits as I carry the person out of the pool, and they have taken so many burns that they start to shock me. Once out, I lay the person on the ground and finally identify their face. In the midst of our short brawl, Ryan must have snuck up to the stage because he felt something was about to go wrong. He saved me from my punishment, one he shouldn't have had to take, and I kiss him on the forehead for it. He caresses my cheek as all his burns start to fade, and I see from the change of his expression that energy is pumping through him. I shoot him a confused look, which he mirrors, but for now, we have other things on our hands. I look towards Cooper, who still has his hands over his face, and immediately he comes to help Ryan to his feet and carry him off.

"How lovely! I see that you two have the "connection!" What a love story, but honestly, you'll all be dead by midnight, so toodleloo!" Emilia sniggers as she disappears, and I start to brush off her comment and turn to the group. "Hey everyone, this is going to be a crazy night of action, but I need you to trust me and be ready for anything," I tell them. I can tell by some shuffling of feet that some are really nervous, and I know that I can't force them to fight. "If you don't want to fight, I am going to open a portal to Earth, but it'll only last for five minutes." Those people breath an audible breath of relief, and I find my center. This is probably the most hardest spell I've ever done, but I believe I can do it, and that's all I need. I imagine that I'm whirling the air around, and I imagine the Storm Society right now. I then picture Bryony's house, because I figure that that is the most safest place, and I picture that I'm connecting the two dimensions together with this portal. I figure the spell is done, and I see a large, purple mass swirling in a clockwise motion. The adults don't hesitate to push their children through, and all of the elderlies go as well. In my haste, I forgot to mention that they should bring their machines, but they could read my mind. Teenagers start to push machines out of the tents and push them through, and I just hope the elderlies cleared out of the way before it pummeled into them. The portal closes just as the last machine goes through, and I give them a questioning thumbsup. In response, they let me know that they're alright indeed, and I lay out the plan.

Soon, we're marching to the Throne, and we can see Emila trying to conjure up the lightning. She must notice us, because she works harder to get the lightning. Just as we're about to speak, she gets it, and I can imagine the delighted grin she has as the bolt strikes the Throne. Many of them gasp, and a lot of them hold on to each other for what seems like the last time. However, thanks to my protective spell, the chair is still there, and I high five myself in my mind. I have no time to waste though, so I run up to Emilia.

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