Author's Note

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Hey all who have or are reading my story right now! I just felt that my A/N's in the past haven't been very frequent, and that makes me kind of sad *cue dramatic music as I look down at my lap and a tear streams down my face*

Anyyyyywho! Now that Catastrophic is over, I really want to make it up to you guys. I felt as if I haven't been very interactive throughout this entire process, and I regret not being able to get to know and interact with the readers that actually read my story. (Thank you by the way, to those who do/did read my short book! It means a lot to me, even if it's only one or two who glance at my words....)

So, in honor of not only 200 reads (which is small to some, but A FIGGIN LOT TO ME) and of my redemption for human contact (if that made any sense at all), I have decided to do a couple of oneshots so you guys can understand the ships more. During the story, I felt like it was all Kassie action as she finds out this and does that, and you never really got to know the characters as much as I'd like. The ending was also a bit of a cliffhanger, and left you hanging on what Kassie and everyone else's life is after this whole shennaigan. So while I don't really want to write an Epilogue, this is a way for you to get justification on what the characters could/are like. Just comment what ship in here you wanted me to make a oneshot out of, and I'll do it!

Now, amigas and amigos, I shall leave you to your duties of being a human, *bows with a great flourishes*. I love you all *wipes tears with hankerchief* and may all live happily ever after *bows again because I'm full of it.*

P.S. (because I coudn't resist) I will be updating the cast list very soon! I finally, after what seems like ages, have found my... I mean Kassie's....soulmate! Although this guy has brownish eyes instead of Ryan's blue eyes, I figured, hey! there's such things as contacts, right?

P.P.S. (because I feel like interacting more) If you people have any ideas about who is who in your opinion, don't be afraid to comment a name, and I'll look them up! While I have my idea what the characters should look like, you guys do too (I hope), and it wouldn't be fair if I didn't include you guys in the cast list. Thank you!

P.P.P.S. (SOrry NOt SOrry) I LOVE YOU ALL.

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