|| Chapter 11 ||

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Hearing this made Higuchi stare at you two in shock but before she could say anything both you and Dazai had grab the others and was about to escape.

Dazai had carried the Tanzaki siblings while you carried Atsushi in your arms, Dazai had already escape with the two while you were just about to follow when Akutagawa called out to you.


You stop at this and turn around to face the male who stood there,he look at you then eyed Atsushi that lay limp in your arms then back at you "I...I......I-"

Before he could even say anything you disappeared leaving him there at a lost for words. Higuchi look at Akutagawa a bit surprise at how he acted before she could utter a word Akutagawa had swiftly turn around and walk pass her with gritted teeth.

"Let's get out of here Higuchi"


You walk inside the infirmary and walk towards where Atsushi was resting, there you saw Kunikida sitting near where the tiger boy laid on his bed as you grab a chair and sat beside him.

"You're worried about him aren't you?" You said smiling softly as you look at the blonde beside you.

The said male scoff at what you were saying as he cross his arms and turn his head away from you "Who said I was worried, I'm just waiting for him to wake up and question him"

You giggle softly at his failed excuse attempt as you pat his head careful not to touch his glasses "You can say all you want but you know you can't fool me" you said making the blonde sighed

"Hey [Y/n]? Have you seen my glasses somewhere?" Kunikida suddenly asks as he turn his head to you changing the subject.

Hearing this made you bite your bottom lip to prevent from giggling as you glance on top of his head where the spectacles sat.

"Nope~" You answered with an innocent smile

After that the both of you stayed quiet as you waited for Atsushi to wake up. After a few moments have past, you two heard a soft gasp as you look over and saw Atsushi now wide awake.

"What happened? Where am I?" You heard him murmured out.

"So you finally come too...." Kunikida spoke catching the attention of Atsushi as he turn his head to where he two of you were.

"I'm glad your awake Atsu-chan" You said smiling softly at him.


"Dammit kid I can't believe you pulled that stunt and in such a busy time" Kunikida sighed out as he look at Atsushi.

The two of you stayed silent as you gave Atsushi some time for a bit, Kunikida had pulled out he's notebook out as he started to read it, you held in a giggle seeing that he was reading it upside down.

But then Atsushi's panic voice caught both of your attention as he sat up from bad "Mr Kunikida! [Y/n]! Are Tanzaki and Naomi..!?"

"Just calm down" Kunikida spoke not taking his eyes off his notebook as you stand up and walk towards him putting a hand on his shoulder "They're both okay"

"A-Are you sure?" Atsushi asks worriedly as he look at you.

"Yes Atsu-chan"

"Dr Yosano is treating Tanzaki next door as we speak" Kunikida informed as he glance at him.

After saying that Tanzaki let out a scream frightening Atsushi as you sweat drop at this while Kunikida continued to sit reading on his notebook like nothing was happening.

"That's...medical treatment?"

"Yes it's best if you don't ask" You said as you pat his head before returning back to your seat.

"I heard a rumor...." Kunikida started


"There's a bounty on your head at the black market,it maybe as high as Seven Billion Yen right now. Seven Billion Yen....you've move up in the world no wonder the Port Mafia wanted to get their hands on you"

Hearing made Atsushi tense as his eyes widened "Seven Billion Yen? That's all beginning to make sense. W-What should I do!? The Mafia might attack the Agency at anytime! Why me? Why me? Why me?" Atsushi rambled out now in full panic.

"Stop panicking, it's true that the Port Mafia are extremely violent but you must keep your cool otherwise you could wind up dead." Kunikida spoke as he tun a page as he then added "Not that I care"

You let out a smug smile of Kunikida trying to be cool and turn to Atsushi who had a deadpan expression and notice Kunikida's notebook.

"Uhm...I think you're notebook is..upside down" Atsushi mention making Kunikida freeze in spot as you started to shake keeping your laughter in.

Kunikida slowly flips his notebook in the correct position and stood up and slowly walks towards Atsushi. But as he did he suddenly kick you off your chair sending you on the ground painfully before bending down and shouting in front of Atsushi's face.


The blonde continue to rage out as he punch through the air while you were on the ground laughing your ass off on how he was acting.

Then you look over at Atsushi and saw the distress look he had on his face making you concerned.

You stop laughing and stood up and place a comforting hand on top of his shoulder making him flinch.

"They'll come for sure..." Kunikida warns as he had finally calmed down from all the display he did earlier. This caught both of you and the Atsushi's attention as you two stare at him as the blonde continued.

"You are the one that who brought this on,the worst case scenario may come to pass,think carefully about what you will do" The blonde instructed.

Atsushi hang his head low hearing this you squeeze his shoulder catching his attention as he slowly lifted his head and turn to you only to see your comforting smile.

"Neh~ Just a reminder though don't underestimate the Agency" You said making him widened his eyes in surprise and almost as if your words calmed him down from all of his worries.

You then bid a goodbye to him as you started to walk towards the infirmary door where Kunikida stood with the door open ajar as he turn to Atsushi.

"By the way kid, there's something I've been looking for. You haven''t seen my glasses around have you?" Kunikida asks.

Atsushi had a deadpan look and was about to reveal where the spectacles have been but his eyes suddenly caught your figure who was secretly shaking your head 'no'.




Atsushi hesitantly said making the blonde sigh in defeat as you secretly sent him a cheeky grin and a thumbs up before leaving the infirmary with Kunikida.


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