|| Chapter 15 ||

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"Dazai, [Y/n], quit slacking off and keep up the pace" Kunikida said walking ahead with Atsushi as both you and your brother trailed behind.

"Okay~" The two of you replied.

"We only have 2 minutes and 15 seconds until our appointment" The blonde inform.

"That's a cause to worry" The two of you answered in chorus.

"Is it really okay for me to come along?" The tiger shifter finally spoke up as he look at Kunikida.

"It's part of your rookie training, we need to solve a case involving a series of disappearance in Yokohama." The blonde explain as he continued to walk ahead.

"I've heard about this, tourists arrive in the city and never heard from again. A lot of people have gone missing right?"Atsushi asks.

"We've recieve an anonymous tip. It stated that all of the victims that have been abducted, and the location they were being held" Kunikida responded.

"A good old anonymous tip~,"

"How very convinient and terribly suspicious~"

You and your brother spoke while finishing each others sentences making Atsushi wonder how the two of you can possibly do such a thing.

"Even so we can't ignore it" Kunikida stated as the four of you continued to walk.

"So were going to check out this place wherever it is?" Atsushi asks

"No." Kunikida answered before opening a metal door that had stairs leading down.

"We're investigating the tip source"

As the four of you slowly walk down you found out that down here was none other than a secret lair.

Though it was dark the light from the computers that were aligned in a circle made some light.

And strangle in the middle of the computer was a large fish tank with a huge fish in it and standing beside the tank was a boy who you presume to be in his teens.

"How's the work coming along informant?" Kunikida asks as he walk down the last steps and approaches the boy that had his back turn.

"Not bad four eyes better than your note book I bet"


The boy's words made you almost laugh but held it in as Dazai chuckles while Atsushi sweatdrops.

"That's a lot of attitude coming from someone who'd be consider a glorified cyber criminal. If your activities came to light, your father would be disappointed."

It seems like the words Kunikida spoke triggered something inside the boy.

"Don't you dare bring him into this Kunikida" He warns

"More importantly your late, how unusual. So what? Were you on a date?" The kid said smirking

"Of course not, courting will only be done with a specified woman, followed by marriage within 6 years time as it dictated here" Kunikida stated showing his notebook.

"Huh? So you're saying you already have someone plan to marry??" Atsushi asks as his mind immediately thought that it will be you.

"I will in another four years" Kunikida answered making Atsushi just deadpans.

"Oh is that the time we'll finally do our double suicide marriage~? Aww Doppo such a romantic~" You tease as you wrap your arms around his neck making the blonde blush bright red.

"Like hell I will commit double suicide with you!!!" Kunikida said as he slip away from your grip.

"Hmph find then~ I'll just have to do it with Atsu-chan then." You said sticking your tongue out at the blonde and head towards the tiger boy.

"Oh Kitty~" You called opening your arms to hug him.

"Oh no you don't" Kunikida said and grab the back of your collar before you can even get any close to the blushing tiger shifter.

"So whose the new peeps?" The boy asks as he eyed you and Atsushi.

Atsushi immediately stood straight as he look over at him and introduce himself "I'm Atsushi Nakajima"

Letting the back of your collar go, you lightly fix your coat and smiled at the boy as you gave a small wave. "And I'm Dazai's Twin, [Y/n]~. Nice to meet you~!"

"The names Taguchi Rokuzou, I'm a spy. For the right price I can dig up anything" The boy or now as you known as Taguchi replied.

"So did you figure out whose behind the anonymous tip?" Kunikida asks.

"The Azure messenger..." Taguchi answered making Kunikida shock.


"I swipe some of the data left on the server, which included these pictures of the victim" At the mention of this Taguchi pulled out pictures and splayed them in front of Kunikida.

He then sat back down on his chair as he glance at you four "The messenger can't be that bad of a guy can he? I mean they did let you know where they were being kept and all"

"It's possible" Dazai spoke up.

You grin as you were leaning on one of the computers as you smiled at Taguchi. "Its just be ashamed if we went there and after all that, they turned out to be the kidnappers don't you think so~?"

"The Azure Messenger...stay on their trail Taguchi" Kunikida said as the said male responded.

"Sure if I have the time, I'm very busy looking after my fish" He smirks.


It was almost night time as the sun was starting to set over the city. The four of you were currently standing by the side walk as Kunikida was finishing a call on his phone.

"Right thank you very much" Ending the call he then informed the three of you "I called a cab, we'll head to the abandoned hospital where the tipster mentioned."

You trailed your eyes off the river of the water as you couldn't help but look over to the blonde male and asks. "Hey Kunikida, tell me why are you taking care of that Rokuzuo boy??"

"What do you mean?" Kunikida responded to you as he continued to look straight forward.

"Well...it's not like you to give a hacker a job, not only that you could have just talk to him over the phone." You said as Dazai continued.

"But you took the time to meet him face to face. He's father is deceased isn't he? Are you trying to fill that role for him?"

"We came here so that [Y/n] and Atsushi could formally meet our informant. That's all there is to it nothing more" The blonde answered the both of you.

"Then we won't press the matter" You and your brother chorused as the taxi slowly pulls up.

Kunikida had already took the passenger seat as Atsushi and Dazai took the back seat.

"Oh no it's full~ Atsu-chan do you mind letting me sit on your lap~" You asks as Atsush's face exploded to 50 shades of red.

"M-My lap!?" He stuttered out as he received a nod from you.

Meanwhile, Dazai and Kunikida sat their silently. There was no denying that jealousy was running in their veins right now.

But Dazai's jealousy didn't last long. An idea came into his mind and a smirk on his face, as you were getting inside, he had grab your arm and pulled you in, taking you by surprise.

You now found yourself propt on your brother's lap as your legs laid on top of Atsushi's lap.

"Eh Osamu??" You questioned as Dazai grins and letting out a chuckle.

"Let big brother take care of you~" Dazai said making you smile and shake your head.

In the front seat, a certain blonde couldn't help but wish he had chosen to sit at the back instead of the front.


ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n】Dazai ║ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now