|| Chapter 17 ||

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Sasaki turns around to look at Kunikida who turns his head away from her.

"Hey, I think there might be people who are trap in this building as well. Before I blackout in the tank, I was sure I heard voices" Sasaki said.

"Is that so?" Kunikida asks.

Quickly did all of you started going around the room searching every nook and corner. It was then Atsushi who called out to all of you as you all went to him.

You ran in to see Kunikida and Atsushi, you look in front to see a glass that divided the room and four men by the other side. The men were pounding on the glass as Kunikida was trying to find a way to get them out.

Then suddenly something started to pour out from the vents as Dazai who had just arrive grab and cover your mouth and nose while pulling you back.

"Get back Atsushi! It's gas! We've got to get out of here!" Dazai shouted.

Kunikida continued pounding on the glass as Dazai motions you to go with at Atsushi and ran towards the blonde. Dazai was trying to pull him away but Kunikida struggles to break free from him.

"We've got to go damn it!"

"Let me go! We can't just let them die! You hear me!? LET ME GO!"


It was the next day and all of you were back at the Agency, it was early in the morning as Atsushi held the morning newspaper which currently had Kunikida in the first page.

"Victims of Yokohama and recent serial abduction was located but all died when a private detective agency conducted a raid" Atsushi read as he sadly looks down.

"They all...died"

"This must have been the enemy's objectives" Kunikida spoke up who was standing beside Atsushi.

"You think they set this up in order to frame the Agency?"

Kunikida sighed as he looks down "Despite what [Y/n] said...maybe it wasn't my time to shine"

"Mr Kunikida--"

"Where's Miss Sasaki?" Kunikida asks the tiger shifter.

"Oh she should be in the infirmary"

Kunikida and Atsushi started heading towards the infirmary as both of them heard voices. They both entered in to see the Dazai twins and Miss Sasaki.

"Oh Hi, thank you so much for saving me the other day. If you hadn't come when you did, I wouldn't be sitting here right now." Sasaki said as she smiled at them.

"Well---" Kunikida was saying but Sasaki continued.

"Not to mention you were very kind for putting with me up last night"


"Where did you stay exactly?"

Both Kunikida and Atsushi ask in confusion as Sasaki looks at you and Dazai who was smiling and pointed at yourselves.

"She stayed at our place~!"


"That's correct I---" Before Sasaki could even continue you had cut her off by standing up skipping your way in front of Kunikida and Atsushi with a grin.

"Neh Neh~ You guys didn't know but Osamu is quite loud though."

"No, I'm not~!"

"Yes, you were! I'm surprised Miss Sasaki didn't hear you all night~!"

"You were the loud one [Y/n]"

As the two of you were bickering, Atsushi and Kunikida stood there mortified at what they were hearing. They just hope that whatever the two of you were talking about was not actually what they were thinking about right now.


You guys were back in the office as Atsushi eyed your brother who was currently typing on the laptop. While Kunikida couldn't help but stare at you who was currently spinning around in your chair, his mind still going back to what happened in the infirmary.

"Unfortunately Miss Sasaki didn't see who her kidnapper was, she apparently faints often due to medical condition, that's exactly what happened in the day she was abducted." Dazai explains.

You stop spinning on your chair as you prop your arms on your desk and continued "How she was transported afterward is where we're not sure."

"You've taken quite a liking to her, haven't you?" Kunikida spoke.

"I like all women, she does seem the type that would commit suicide with me if I ask. That's so nice. Even so, you all know I only have an eye to a certain woman." Dazai said as Kunikida couldn't help but feel a vein pop in his head.

"What about you Kunikida, is she your type?" Dazai asks looking over at him.

Kunikida immediately turns his head away from your brother as he answers "She's an eye witness in a murder case, nothing more"

You couldn't help but giggle as you place your chin on top of your palm while looking over at Kunikida.

"I figured you would say that Kunikida~ But I can't help but feel a little jealous~" You teased as you sent him a little smile making the blonde's ear turn red at your statement.

"Atsushi~ [Y/n]~ Want to take a look at what his Ideal woman is~?" Your brother calls out to both of you as he showed you guys none other than Kunikida's notebook.

"Ooh~! Let's have a look~!" You cheered as stars were in your eyes.

Kunikida immediately slam his hands down on the desks as he growls at your brother "WHEN DID YOU SWIPE THAT YOU BASTARD!?!"

You quickly stood up and peak over Atsushi's shoulder as both of you started reading page by page of his notebook.

"He wrote it all down?" Atsushi asks in bewilderment

"Oh yes~ Kunikida's notebook has a comprehensive list of obligation, plans, ideals recorded in it" Dazai said as he then leans over to you Atsushi, and pointed the page.

"Right here for example"

Immediately both you and Atsushi jump not expecting all the things written down.

"Y-Your kidding...that's a lot of--" Before Atsushi could even finish his sentence the notebook in his hand was taken from behind.

You turn around with a nervous smile to see none other than Kunikida towering both of you.

"Do you have a problem with it?"

"N-Not at all...I can understand your ideal in a woman but maybe uhm.." Atsushi stutters

"You shouldn't share that to any actual woman, including me." You said as you pat his shoulder as Kunikida shouts.

"That's not important right now! We should talk about the abduction! Have you guys pick up on anything!?"

"Yes~!" You cheered as Dazai held the newspaper and showed the photo of Kunikida in it.

"I have deduced without a doubt that you look very manly in this newspaper photo" Dazai stated as you cross your arms and nodded your head in agreement.

"You two wanna see how manly I look when I punch both of your lights out!?"

Unfazed you ignore the blondes threat as you grab the newspaper from your brother "What's regrettable however is you should've worn sexier glasses~"

You then walk up to Kunikida and took his glasses "Hey!" the blonde protested as you slip on the spectacles.

"Their so plain, only someone possessing my unbridled charm could pull off wearing them~"

You grin and did a cute pose while doing two peace signs which made the three boys heart clench.

'Too adorable!!'

"So~ What do you guys think~?" You ask as you giggled lightly when you spot Atsushi and Kunikida's flustered face.

"Y-You look good [Y/n]" Atsushi stutters as he felt his heart racing.

The blonde clicked his tongue at you as he turns his head away "Y-Yeah well, they only scream con artist to me"

But then realization struck in Kunikida "Wait a minute..."

This caught all of your attention as Dazai asks "Something the matter?"

Kunikida turns around and took his glasses off you and on to himself.

"The three of you lets go, I know whose behind this"


【 Hope you guys are enjoying the updates! I'm finishing this episode before I go to sleep Lolol, I might not know when I will update again but I assure you guys that it won't take that long. Anyways enjoy your reading guys~!

And one more thing do you guys like to be in a incest with Dazai~? 】

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