║ Chapter 31 ║

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"How nice to finally meet you President Fukuno...uhhh Fuzuka?" The blonde western male said with his other subordinates standing right behind him.

"Fukuzawa" The President corrected with a blunt tone.

"That's it. Oh~ we parked our chopper on a nearby highway. Is that alright~?" The blonde asks with a smug smile on his face.

"What is it that you wish to discuss? You've journeyed across the world to come here. Speak your mind" The President asks straight to the point.

Naomi then walks in as she sets a cup of tea on the table between the President and the blonde male who reaches his hand out to pick up the cup.

"My, this is a rare specimen, I don't recognize this style of porcelain." The blonde says continuing on beating around the bush as he observes the cup on his hand "What is the brand of this set? Royal Blanc? Or perhaps El Zelga"

"It's the ceramic store next door" Naomi answers as she tried holding back her annoyance by replying as politely as she could.

The blonde took a sip of the tea before handing the cup towards one of his subordinates from behind who took it from his hand.

"My apologies" The blonde said even though it was clear he was not sorry at all.

The blonde then smiles as he introduces himself "Please call me Francis old sport, I insist."

Francis then smirks as he continues while looking at the President who had his eyes close but continues on listening to the obnoxious voice of his guest.

"I'm the leader of the Guild, were headquartered at North America. I personally own 3 congromolates, 5 hotels, and airlines, and University---"

"Mr Fitzgerald" The President interrupted Francis' ranting who perks up and looks at him.

"I've receives report that you issued a big bounty to encourage the Port Mafia to attack us. Are they true?" The President asks sternly as he open his eyes and look straight at the blonde male across from him.

"Yes, that was a big mistake on my part" Francis said as he smiled as he continued.

"To think such a famed criminal group would be so incompetent. To make amends I bring you a business proposal." 

His subordinate then handed him a metal briefcase in which Francis takes and sets it on the table and opens it in front of the President.

"You've got a nice little company here and its an attractive neighborhood as such...I like to buy it from you" Francis smirks as he shows off the stack off cash inside the suitcase as the President was unfazed and glares at the western blonde.

"Don't misunderstand, I could buy every piece of property you could see from here. It's not the building I'm interested in" Francis spat as he leans on the suitcase.

"I want one thing"

"And that is?" The President asks as he narrows his eyes at him.

"What do you think? I want your gifted business permit" Francis said as a dark look shadows his face.

Hearing this the President's eyes widens as he's glare intensifies, Naomi who stood behind him flinch at the western blonde's words.

"You see, for a group of Gifted Individuals to open a business, they need permission from a special branch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Those fools are the only thing you can't buy with money" Francis scoffs as he leans back on the couch.

"We're a secret society that officially that doesn't even exists. There's something in the city we want, we'd rather not rile the Ministry while we look for it. Though the permit will allow--"

"I refuse" The President calmly spoke as cuts off Francis' sentence.

"Come now, is it not enough? Very well then, I'll add this" Francis' says as he then took off his expensive watch and places it on top of the stack of cash.

"It's a limited edition model, made to order with pink diamonds" Francis says as he smiles thinking that he would have finally convince the man that sat across from him.

"I'm afraid there's no amount of money you could offer that would entice me to give up our permit" The President says which made Francis frown.

"It is a symbol of hope, not just for our members but that also for Master Natsume.Without whom this Agency would not exist, our permit is not for sale to the highest bidder. It is not a play thing for the idle rich" The President stated.

Francis then took back the watch as it hung over one of his fingers, a frown on his face "So you believe there are things that money can't buy. That's the boring mantra of the poor. If your employees vanish, I make a bet that your little Agency ceased to function and by then it would be to late to change your mind" Francis said.

"I'll take that into consideration, were done here" Fukuzawa says.


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