║Chapter 26 ║

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You didn't know how much time had past but you knew that it had already been somewhat a day since both you and Dazai had been kidnapped.

But even so, here you were just singing around with your brother as the two of you could hear footsteps coming down.

"Dudududu~ You can't do a double suicide~"

"All on your own~"

"Boom boom it takes two~"

"Don't wanna die all alone~"

Akutagawa click his tongue once he arrives and uses his Ability. Rashoumon tears through the air and held onto both yours and Dazai's throat.

But even so, before Rashoumon could even do anything to attack the two of you, Rashoumon had already disappeared by both of your Ability. No Longer Human.

The two of you lifted your head up and smirk as you see Akutagawa standing there with his arms cross.

"Hello~When did you get there~?" Dazai said.

"I belive that you two know what matter of fate await who are those chained here" Akutagawa says as you couldn't help but smirk.

"Yes~ It really brings back memories. We remember when you were just a little rookie"

"Both of your sins are grieve, after abandoning your missions and vanishing in to thin air you two now reappear as an enemy to the Port Mafia. It's quite hard to believe coming from two former executives." Akutagawa states as he glares at the two of you.

"You mean coming from who are your superior, right~?" Dazai smirks.

You knew what was coming to this. Akutagawa got piss as he then punches your brother straight in the face. A few drops of blood splatters on the ground as you look at beside you to see your brother smiling darkly.

"Even the two of you are not completely invincible, as long as I don't use my ability you two are vulnerable. I could hurt you two, or kill you two anytime" Akutagawa seethed as you couldn't help but chuckle and turn your head to the male.

"Is that so~? Look at you now, you were so difficult to train when you first started out. You're such a slow learner and you could never follow directions" You said as you let out a sigh.

"And then there's that useless ability of yours" Your brother added.

Akutagawa clenches his hand into fist as he restrained himself from lashing out again as he settles on glaring at you and Dazai.

"Your two's bravado will only last a few more days, in that time we will obliterate the Agency and capture the weretiger. Once you two learn your coworkers demise you two will be nothing but clench teeth and fists.Then you two's execution will follow"

Akutagawa then turns his back on the two of you as he was about to walk but halts in his steps when you spoke up.

"You think you can pull that off? Really? Our new apprentice is superior to you than anyway imaginable."

Akutagawa couldn't hold his anger anymore as he then turns around and punches you in the stomach as hard as he could. You cough at this as the air on your lungs got out as you hung your head low.

Akutagawa stood in front of you panting as he glares down at you. He hates you, he despises you. Every time he sees you he's chest would tighten up. You would always manage to give him those fluttering feelings no matter how many times he tries to forget about it.

Akutagawa tries hard to convince himself at how he hated you but he knew he was only kidding himself.

The male click his tongue as he turns on his heal to walk up the stairs as your voice echoed down the room.

"Oooh you call that a punch Aku~?" You called out as you watch the male walk up the stairs.

He grits his teeth and ignores you, leaving you and Dazai alone once again. The older twin glances down at you and chuckles.

"You can stop acting tough now [Y/n]"

Immediately you hunch over once again, whinnning in pain "Owwww it hurtsss, Aku was out of control. I can't even stand up straight"

If Dazai would have look over what you said, it sounded like something suggestive happened. Even though you didn't mean it that way, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He pouts at this and starts sulking as he turns his head to the side.

"Well its your fault for triggering the brat"

"Uwahh Osamu you meanie, besides what I said was true though" You said as you look at him.

You didn't receive a response which made you the next one to pout.



"Big brother~?"

"Hey Osa~"


"Osamu~!!" You whine as you nudge his legs while using your own as he didn't responded when you were trying to get his attention.

In times like this, you knew he was sulking and upset about something. So you then wrack your brains on what could have possibly made your dear brother sulk, you tried to remember as it finally click to your mind.

"Osamu, you can stop sulking now, I'll sleep with you tonight." You nudge him.

Dazai perks up at this, although you were wrong about what was causing him to sulk right now. He couldn't help but decided to take your offer. Sleeping with you was like heaven, you were always so warm and cuddly.

"Nehhh even if I move around too much~?" He asks as he looks over at you with puppy eyes.

You internally squeal at how he looks and sigh nodding your head while giggling "Yeah, even if you move around too much"

"Alright~ Just a few more hours then~" Dazai says as you nodded.

The two of you then decided to just sing both of your suicide songs to pass the time. Even though you two were chained and have been kidnapped, you honestly enjoyed your alone time with your brother.


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