║ Chapter 22 ║

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"W-What's going on!?!" Atsushi asks who was now awake looking over at Kunikida and Dazai.

"I got a call" Kunikida replies as he pulls out the said device as Atsushi sweat drops.

"Yes Hello?" Kunikida answers the call.

"Hey four-eyes, is now a good time?" Taguchi from the other line spoke up.

Then the blares of honking cars rang out as Atsushi took a look from his oart of the window to see that you were all causing traffic jam to the people.

Another ringing caught all of your attention as you turn to Atsushi who pulls it out and answers it which was Ranpo.

Next was Dazai who answers it which was non other than the President.

A pout settled on your lips 'Uwahh they all got a call, I want someone to call me too'

You thought as you dug on your pocket to grab your phone only to feel it empty.

You internally panic but calm down when you remembered that you accidentally left it back home.

You sat on your sit as you watch the three in their phones.

It was then a coincidence that all three of them finish their call at the same time.

You wondered what the three's call about but then suddenly the car turns around and started speeding.

"I got a call from Rokuzou, someone recently ordered a bomb transmitter. Plus other equipment delivered to a former defense facility" Kunikida informs as Atsushi replies.

"Ranpo reached a similar conclusion"

"That settles it"

You listen to them as you turn to your brother who spoke up. "And I just got a call from the president, he was informed by the Military. The taxi Driver is dead"

"He's dead?" you ask in suprise as Dazai glances at you over his shoulder and gave you a nod.

"How can that be? I thought they were holding him in the isolation ward for extra protection?" Atsushi asks.

"They were, but he died when he suddenly collapsed in a cell. The farantic team hasn't determined the cause of death but the guards notice the number 00 in his palm" Your brother explains making you confuse and curious at this.

"There were number on his hand? How strange, what in the world is going on" Kunikida says as he continue driving.


The sky was now painted a beautiful shade of orange and red as the sun started setting.

Meaning that all of you had a few more minutes before the bomb would explode.

All of you had quickly arrive in an underground facility as Kunikida drove in.

But then two grenades were thrown towards you guys as Dazai shouts.

ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n】Dazai ║ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now