Chapter 1

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A man and woman had been traveling for days on foot through the misty mountains and deep green woods. Only stopping to get some sleep, feed themselves and their month old baby girl. The woman held a fond smile on her face as she gazed down into the sling across her chest. Her green eyes connected with that of ones identical to her own. The infant looked up at her mother with nothing but innocent curiosity held in her eyes, ignorant to the darkness of the world. "She's so quiet" Brom comments in awe of their little girl. "I believe its because she is simply content in this moment with us" Elspeth, the mother of their little girl and his partner of just over a year, answered him with a smile on her face and in her voice. "I think you might be right" Brom agrees with his own fond smile across his face. Hearing her fathers voice but not able to see him over the sling, the baby girl reaches her arm up with a gurgle in the general direction of where she heard his voice. Her actions made Elspeth chuckle "i think she's looking for you". Brom carefully moved his large hand over to take her tiny one into his own and show her that he was there with them. He hoped he always would be to protect and care for them. Her hand was so small in his own he was almost afraid that if he squeezed it even slightly he would end up breaking it. However she proved just how strong she was when she squeezed his finger hard enough to hurt a little. He smiled proudly from what she did, knowing she would grow to be a very strong warrior one day.
He was quickly knocked out of the peaceful moment between them by the sound of branches breaking. Something was moving fast towards them based on how quickly the branches broke and the louder it became. Brom and Elspeth froze in their walking for a second wondering if whatever was coming towards them was friend or foe. "Elspeth run" Brom instructed his partner urgently. She looked up at him in surprise "what? No i want to stay and help you". "Think of our daughter" Brom reminded her gently making her gaze down at the sleepy and unaware infant in her sling. Knowing that their childs safety was more important at this moment Elspeth agrees to do as he says. Brom quickly pulls her in for a soft kiss for reassurance that everything would be fine before also placing a gentle kiss on his daughters head "go now". She does so instantly taking off deeper into the forest as fast as she could whilest holding her daughter protectively against her chest. The feeling of being bounced around from her mothers running woke Bronwyn from her half asleep state. Her eyes looked around at the little bit of surroundings she could see wondering what was going on and why was her mother running? Noticing her daughter becoming slightly restless in her arms she quickly begins to reassure her in a soothing tone. "Its alright my darling, i will not let anyone hurt you. Everything is going to be ok". However everything was not ok. Just as she finished speaking, the same branch breaking sound they heard earlier occured again. This time from only a few feet in front of her. Elspeths eyes search her surroundings frantically until they land on a big enough but deep hole in an old birch tree to place her baby girl safely. Running towards it causes her heart to break as she looks down at her daughter for what might be the last time. She tries to burn every little detail of her into her mind so she would never forget what she looked like. From her blonde tuft of her, to her green eyes, to her little nose and those squishable chubby cheeks. "Mama loves you very much sweetheart and i know you won't remember that but i hope your father reminds you of that everyday" Elspeth hopes and with one last longing kiss she places her daughter in the tree.

With a deep breath she moves further away from the tree to the middle of the clearing and pulls the sword from her belt with practiced ease, just in time for three Raz'ac to break from the forest.
Brom had just finished taking down his group of Raz'ac and was now running through the woods calling out his partners name in the hope she would be heard calling back. There was no such luck and it was making him fear the worst. Until a babies cry was heard. "Bronwyn" he muttered to himself in fear as he pushed his legs to move faster and get to where he could hear the sound coming from. He makes it to a clearing surrounded by trees only to be greeted by a horrid sight. The woman he loved was laying on the ground barely alive with a Raz'ac sword stabbed too close to her heart. "Elspeth" he screamed in anguish running over to lift her weak body into his arms. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and a tired smile appeared on her face from seeing him alive. "You're ok" she breathes out quietly in relief with a slightly pained expression. Every breath caused a searing pain to shoot through her lungs, it was torture. Brom gently shushed her after noticing her pained expression, trying to be strong for her and keep his tears at bay. "Of course im alright love and Bronwyn will be to. I'll make sure of it" he promises her with a reassuring tone, not wanting her last moments to be spent worrying about them. She gives him one last weak smile and a whispered i love you before breathing her last breath and taking Broms broken heart with her as she passes. He finally lets all his held back emotions loose as he pulls her body into his chest and sobs all of his emotions out. The tears are never ending, creating watery tracks down his cheeks as he rocks with her limp body in his arms. Hes not sure how long he sat there for but his daughters cries finally registered in his ears again. Carefully he places Elspeths body back down with one last kiss to her forehead and follows the cries to a hole in a tree. Looking inside he sees his daughter all red faced from screaming her little head off for however long it was. "Hey now it's going to be alright" Brom cooes to her soothingly causing her to slowly calm down from hearing the familiar voice as he lifts her from the tree and into his arms. "I promise you i will protect you and always be here for you, my little brave dragon".

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