Chapter 4

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Weeks past and Rose had been trying to avoid Luisa as much as possible what was hard since they both lived in the same hotel. She had seen her from afar several times and when Luisa didn't see her she took her time to take her in. She didn't look good if she had to be honest, she had never seen a smile cross her face and if you knew her well, you could see that she wasn't happy... and Rose knew the exact reason for that.

Again, she had managed to hurt Luisa and she wondered how often she was going to have to do that again and she knew she wouldn't be able to keep doing it because it didn't only hurt Luisa, it destroyed Rose when she had to.

Emilio had invited her for a family diner this evening and she didn't know how to feel. She didn't want to go because she had a feeling that it would only hurt Luisa more to see her but she would be able to see her and no matter how hard she tried not to admire the brunette, she couldn't and that was not a good sign. She needed to stay with Emilio. She could be in danger if she didn't get that money in time.

She looked at her clock, seeing that it was already 2.45 pm and she had to be at the doctor at 3.15 pm for a check-up. She didn't tell Emilio because, well, she didn't want him to be there. This situation was already hard enough for her to deal with and she couldn't have him with it.


Rose was brushing her hair when she stepped out of the bathroom and nearly ran into her husband.

"Oh, darling. I didn't see you. Are you ready?" He asked, talking about the diner.

"Yes, of course." She lied. She was far from ready. "Oh, and Emilio." She called him by his name, she tried to ignore the nicknames as much as possible but she knew she had to use them now and then. "I got a sonogram earlier today."

He looked surprised. "You went to the gynecologist?" He asked, sounding a bit upset.

"Yes, I thought I should go alone because you have been so busy with the hotel lately." This was true, he had been out of town for meetings a lot lately and honestly, she didn't care, she even preferred him being away.

"Okay, but can you tell me when you go next time? I would rather be there." He made clear and Rose wasn't surprised, he was very involved with his family and it was his baby so she couldn't blame him. "Was everything okay?"

"I will and yes, it was." She gave him a small smile but she knew it wasn't. The doctor had told her to be less stressed because that could affect the baby and it didn't look good. He had seemed a little scared to tell it but she just told him to be honest with her.

She didn't want to lose this baby though. She wasn't in it for 100% but this kid had nothing to do with her situation and she knew she would love it.

She took her purse and they both left their penthouse, walking to the restaurant and when they came there only Luisa was sitting there.

"Where are Rafael and Petra?" Emilio immediately asked.

"They're not coming, they had something else to do," Luisa answered. She was wearing a green dress with her hair falling loosely over it, the golden locks of hair extra remarkable and she had a light layer of makeup on. Rose stared at her for a little too long because Luisa seemed to notice when she turned around and met Rose's blue eyes.

Emilio and Rose sat down and she could feel his arm creep around her waist, her shoulders tensing. Luisa looked up and saw exactly what just happened, giving her a weird look.

Emilio didn't seem to notice. Just like other men, he didn't notice anything, like the way she acted around him nor the way she always relaxed more when she was around Luisa.

They ate in silence, not knowing what to say, normally when Rafael was present they always talked about business and the women around them would listen and turn their eyes when they started arguing about the smallest things and she wished he could be here because then Emilio would pay less attention to her.

Suddenly, Emilio's phone rang, bringing Rose back to the real world. He looked at it and glanced over to the two women at the table. "I should get this." He said, seeking approval to leave. "Work."

Rose nodded when Emilio walked away and answered the phone. She turned her attention to Luisa. They were alone now and she was scared of what would happen. She knew Luisa was mad at her and she couldn't blame her. She stared at the woman for a while when Luisa looked up, a sight of annoyance crossing her face.

"Can I help you?" She asked, putting down her cutlery and that's when Rose realized she had been staring at her a lot this evening.

"Uhm..." She didn't know what to say, she had no answer, she couldn't say that she liked staring at her because she was beautiful, that would make things even more confusing for the two of them.

"Can you please stop doing this Rose." Luisa suddenly said after an awkward silence.

"Do what?"

"Constantly trying to get my attention. You're constantly looking at me like you want to say something and when I look up you look away. I don't know what this is anymore and I'm confused as shit." She rambled out. She could see Luisa's anger grow.

"It's not my intention... I... just want to make sure that you're okay." Rose whispered, a little caught off guard by the way Luisa lashed out on her.

"Oh so suddenly you care about me? You care about how I feel? Where was that when you broke up with me all these times before? You didn't seem to care back then and you just kept hurting me and if you really want to know, I'm not good, I'm terrible. The way you let me fall really destroyed me and I don't even know why it cuts me so deep because we never really had a thing but then again, I couldn't choose it and now I have to pay the consequences from still trying. I don't care anymore and I don't want to get hurt anymore so if you'll excuse me." She shove her stool backward when she angrily stood up and walked away but before she could leave she felt a hand around her wrist, holding her back.

"I have always cared, Lu." She spoke in a soft voice.

"Well, if that's your definition of caring about me then it's not good enough. Oh and if you feel that uncomfortable with my father, then just leave him already." She said, talking about what happened earlier with the tensing up and pulled her wrist out of Rose's hand, turning around and now fastening her pace when she walked away.

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
So, I think imma stop with writing these end-words coz it's kinda pointless, I will update sometimes to say how far we are in the story so dw.


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