Chapter 10

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Luisa was walking along the beach, holding her shoes in her left hand and the other one locked with the taller redhead's.

It had been 2 months since Rose laid in the hospital and ever since then, they had been together every single second in their free time and today was a special day.

Rafael and Petra had some time to get used to the idea of seeing Rose and Luisa together instead of Rose and Emilio, but they were okay with it, seeing that Emilio had been nothing but supportive of their relationship.

Rose fastened her pace, letting go of Luisa's hand and leaving her confused behind until she turned around and wore a huge grin on her face.

"What are you doing?" Luisa asked, still not understanding what she was doing.

"I'm warm, are you?" She said playfully.

"Yes, of course, it's summer and we're in Miami, why?"

Rose walked back towards her and before Luisa knew what was going on she was carried by the strong grip of her lover.

"What are you doing?!" Luisa screamed, moving her legs hysterically.

"We're going to cool you down." She answered, still wearing the grin.

That's when Luisa knew what she was going to do. She was going to the sea. "No! Put me down!" She demanded, but Rose didn't listen. "Rose Ruvelle," she spoke out clearly, "Put me down right now!"

"Oh, you're no fun," Rose spoke, a little laugh under her breath, but she didn't let go. Instead, she walked ever faster until she got to the water, the chill feeling on her feet. She walked further into the sea, until it came to her knees, speaking again. "You wanted me to put you down?" Luisa watched at Rose, eyes wide open when she put her down.

The brunette's voice pitched. "Aw, no that's cold." She wanted to run back out of the water but Rose held her, moving her arms around her so her back was pushed against her chest. Other people would've said the water was good, but Luisa liked the warmth, everything else was too cold for her, she hated it.

"Stay," Rose whispered against her ear.

"Rose, you know I don't like seawater." Luisa turned around, still being held by the redhead and now facing her.

"No, but you do definitely like pools though." She smiled, thinking back to the night they met.

"We have a diner to go to in less than 2 hours and I'm not going there when I smell like sea and fish."

"We'll shower later... now, we will have to work on that serious face of yours," Rose said when she threw some water on Luisa.

A small smile appeared on her face. "Oh, I hate you." She splashed back at Rose.

"No, you don't." She answered when walked back towards Luisa. She covered her lips with her own when everything around them disappeared. It had been 2 months since she could do this in public and she still wasn't used to it, there were still sparkles everywhere and she had a feeling that with Luisa, it would never stop.

Rose pulled back, "now, do you still want that shower?"

Luisa smiled. "You're such a tease."

"You love me though."

"Hmm, I do," Luisa said when she pecked her lips.


They walked into the restaurant together, their hands enlocked when they saw Rafael and Petra sitting on a large table in the corner.

Rafael and Petra were having a conversation when they neared the table and they fell quiet the moment they saw them, making Rose and Luisa wonder what they had been talking about.

"Hi," they greeted each other.

Luisa looked around. "Is dad here yet?" She asked when she turned back to face her brother and the blonde next to him.

"No, he said he had to do something first," Rafael answered.

So they talked, they hadn't seen each other much lately, partly because Rose and Luisa had moved out of the hotel to get them an apartment near the beach.

Not much later Emilio arrived, a woman at his side. He had a smile on his face when he walked towards the table.

They all stood up, waiting for Emilio to introduce her. "Hello everyone, this is Hailey, my girlfriend." He said while he held a hand on her back.

Rose remembered the name immediately, looking at them with her eyes wide open.

They all introduced themselves before they sat down and Rose looked at Emilio who was sitting next to her.

He noticed her staring so looked up, turning to his right when Rose spoke up, trying to be not too loud. "So, is this Hailey, the one you were talking about that day?" She asked, remembering what he had said about her being in danger and that he loved her.

He smiled. "Yes. With everything going on between you and Luisa I realized I missed her and I knew I had to find her, so I went looking." He explained.

Rose smiled back at him. "Well, I'm happy for you."

"You seem happy too."

"Yes... I am." She smiled, thinking of how good her life with Luisa had been the last few weeks.

That's when someone patted on her back and she heard her voice. "What are you talking about?" She asked

Rose turned around, now facing the brunette. "Nothing, just how much I love you."

Luisa rose her eyebrows, wanting to ask if that was really what they were talking about but she was caught off guard when Rose arm crept around her and she felt her lips on her cheek.

They all looked up when Rafael asked for their attention, saying they had news. He looked at Petra and she spoke up.

"I'm pregnant." She said and had a huge smile on her face.

Everyone spoke up all at once to congratulate them. They had been trying for a long time and it had been hard with Rafael's cancer from a few years ago.

Rose couldn't help but think back to the moment she had been pregnant herself. Everything that she had now would've seemed so impossible, but in the end, she was happy everything had happened like it did because it got her Luisa. She looked at her side, smiling when she looked at the brunette next to her, realizing how lucky she was.


Dinner went quickly and it was over before they knew it. They all said goodbye and left.

They were walking back to their home when Luisa looked up at Rose and spoke. "I'm glad they're all happy." Rose looked down at her, "my father, Raf, and Petra."

"Are you happy?" Rose asked her when she stopped and turned around to face her.

"I've never been happier."

"I love you." She looked into Luisa's sparkling brown eyes when she said it.

"I love you too." She covered her lips when suddenly a lot of fireworks were heard. It was, after all, the fourth of July. A year after everything had started, but they both knew, that their story had only just begun.

So, this is the end,
I hope you liked it.
I tried giving everyone a happy ending since you all really deserved that after my last story.
I want to thank you all for the support you've been giving me on this story, it means a lot!

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