Chapter 5

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Time went fast, weeks had passed since Rose had seen Luisa at dinner, she had been working a lot and making sure that everyone knew she was getting the money soon, she could concentrate better that Luisa was gone, however, she still couldn't stop thinking about her and she did miss her.

She was sitting in her room with a glass of water when Emilio came in and told her Luisa had disappeared. She had been concerned about her but didn't reach out to her because she had a feeling Luisa wouldn't appreciate that. She was happy to hear that she was just to an ashram when Rafael had tried to find her.

Rose was sitting on the couch, her legs fold up and her computer in her lap. She had gotten a case a few days ago, what was totally unexpected since she hadn't been in law for a couple of years but she didn't have to think twice when the offered it and took it. It would be good to do something else and it would give her a valid reason to not be at Emilio's side all the time, plus there was just the fact that she missed being a lawyer.

She stood up to make some tea because she didn't feel well when something caught her eye at the place she just sat. There was a stain of red on the couch and it didn't take her long to know what it was. She acted impulsively and ran to her phone, calling Emilio and telling him what was going on. He didn't think twice and immediately blew off his meeting to pick up his wife and drive her to the hospital.


Rose was sitting on the hospital bed, her hand being covered by a heavier one. Everything had gone so fast, she was working on a case and suddenly she was confronted by the scary thought of losing the baby, what was still possible, they were waiting for the doctor to come in and tell them if it was okay. She could hear Emilio breathing heavily, they hadn't said a lot to each other, Emilio because he was scared and Rose because she simply enough just didn't want to.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and the doctor came in, papers in his hands.

"Do you have the results?" Emilio jumped up, sounding nervous.

"Yes," he looked at the documents that were now laying in his lap and looked back up, making eye contact with both of them. "I'm sorry, but the baby didn't make it."

A long silence was followed, neither one of them knowing what to say about it.

The man spoke up again. "I'll leave you two alone, if you have any more questions you can ask me, I'm sorry."

The door closed behind him and Emilio turned to face Rose, finally opening his mouth. "I'm sorry, darling, I should've been there earlier." He said, sounding upset and mad at himself.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen," Rose said calmly. She wasn't so sad about the fact that the baby was gone, on the contrary, she was relieved that it didn't have to be born because it wouldn't have been fair since Rose was going to leave Emilio and it wouldn't have been a situation for a kid to grow up in.

"We should go home." He helped Rose to get up and supported her. Rose didn't like it, of course, it was sweet of him but she couldn't get comfortable around him.

"I can walk by myself, thank you." She said, assuring him that she was fine.

The way home was long and seemed to never end. They sat next to each other and didn't talk, normally in these kinds of situations Emilio would be the one to speak up, but he was in too much shock to say anything, Rose just wasn't in the mood to talk, what wasn't surprising because she was never in the mood the talk when she was around her husband so the rest of the way back to the Marbella was just one big mess of awkwardness.


Days had passed since Rose had lost the baby and she had started her normal life again. Emilio, however, was still hurt and didn't understand why his wife had been so calm in the entire process so when they were sitting alone in their room, silence again taking over, he took his chance to ask.

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