Chapter Nineteen

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Severus sent Lily a Patronus when he was next awake and she entered the Hospital Wing tentatively.

"Hello, Severus," she said shyly.

He smiled at her.

"Hi, Lils."

"How are you doing?"

Severus contained his inner annoyance at being asked the same question for the umpteenth time. This was Lily, after all. He could be restrained around Lily.

"A lot better, thanks."

He'd only been in the Hospital Wing for four days but he was already starting to see improvements, giving that he'd spent the first two days in a coma.

"How did you even get involved with them, Sev?" Exclaimed Lily suddenly. "One minute they've never heard of you; the next, you're duelling in the Entrance Hall!"

Severus didn't bother to contradict her.

"It was because of my potion," he told her. Truth was, it could've been because of his general stance on Voldemort but Severus decided to settle for the easy answer. He had claimed recognition for the Wolfsbane Potion shortly after Bulstrode's lesson on werewolves to further antagonise her. "I noticed them giving me dark looks at the Sorting Ceremony, then they probably heard about my defence of werewolves in DADA from someone."

"Oh, Severus," she said, anguished, sitting down and taking his hand. "I wish you wouldn't annoy everyone."

"I don't do it on purpose!" He protested.

"Sometimes I wonder," she replied, smiling.

He lay back as there was an awkward silence. She still held onto his hand.

"Sev, I just wish you wouldn't keep getting hurt. I know you're strong, that you can handle it, but it stresses me out. For once, just spend a year not getting into trouble, getting detention or fighting with Death Eaters. Do it for me."

Severus looked into her eyes, moved by her speech.

"I can't promise that, Lils - you know how much I love getting into trouble."

She gave a watery chuckle, sighing as she did so.

"I know but I thought I'd ask anyway."

He smiled at her and she smiled back, before seeming to remember something.

"Bradley is very angry with you, by the way," she said.

Severus groaned.

"I knew there was somebody I'd forgotten about. I promised to be at practices this time."

"I'm sure she'll understand," Lily reassured, squeezing his hand.

He gave her a questioning look.

"Bradley's a Quidditch Captain. Captains don't understand normal human behaviour, or excuses."

"Sounds like you'd be a good captain, then," Lily pointed out, laughing.

Severus shook his head in despair.

"I would not want that job. I don't want responsibility."

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