As soon as he appeared on the doorstep of his apartment, guilt filled Remus's mind. Whether it was because he was finally re-entering the apartment he and Tonks were going to share--which he had been avoiding doing for a good month or so now--or because he had just left without any explanation to Sirius, he wasn't sure. With a sigh, Remus turned the doorknob and pushed open the door.

     Immediately, dozens of unwanted memories flooded his mind. Remus took a few steps into the apartment, allowing the door to close behind him. He glanced around the living room slowly, trying desperately not to show any emotion. Everything is exactly as it was...I'd be more worried if it wasn't, I suppose. Remus made his way up the stairs, stopping momentarily at the open door to his bedroom.

     He couldn't handle going in there now, not now that Tonks was gone. She had started moving in partially, just before the war, mostly so that Remus would have someone to tend to his wounds after each full moon. Remus sank down to the floor against the wall behind him, pulling his knees up to his chest and letting his head hang. He remained like that for a while longer, fighting back emotions he didn't want to deal with at the moment.

     "I'm being stupid. She hadn't even fully moved in yet. This is technically just my house." Remus thought aloud. He felt someone sit next to him, and didn't need to look up to know it was Sirius. The pair remained silent and still for a moment before Remus felt himself leaning on Sirius's shoulder. Damn, my body has betrayed me yet again. Sirius remained still for a moment more, then wrapped an arm around Remus, not sure what else to do.

     "How'd you find my place?" Remus asked after a moment more, choosing to ignore the fact that his voice had cracked with emotion. "Molly gave me the address," Sirius admitted after a beat of silence. "You alright, mate?" Remus decided not to respond. Fairly obvious I'm not, isn't it? "I'll take that as a no." Remus nodded slightly. "I suppose you don't want to talk about this, then," Remus nodded again.

     The pair fell into silence again, which Remus half cherished- half loathed. "Mind me asking what I missed when I was, well, mostly dead, I suppose?" Remus sighed softly. "You don't have to. I can ask Harry later." Remus remained silent for a few minutes more before speaking again. "I'm not sure why I chose to come here...truth be told, I haven't stepped foot in here since the battle ended. I suppose I was just trying to escape." Remus went silent again, hoping Sirius wouldn't ask any questions. Sure enough, he didn't. The pair remained there for a while more, words exchanged every once and a while.

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