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     Remus returned gratefully to the book he had been reading, but quickly found that he couldn't focus. His thoughts were all Sirius, even more than usual with the fact that Sirius had kissed his cheek a few minutes prior. Its fine, he probably just did that out of habit. Habit from what, I don't know. Maybe he just wasn't thinking? Unless he somehow figured out I like him...Remus gulped, trying once again to get his mind off of Sirius. And again, he failed. Remus groaned and tossed the book aside, his mouth twisting to a frown when it didn't hit the wall with what would have been a satisfying thud.

     With a sigh, Remus rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. Quite a boring thing to do, Remus supposed, but I can't seem to distract myself from this stupid crush. It's not like I could do anything better. Remus huffed slightly. He hasn't gotten to the point that he could focus on nothing other than Sirius since the two had been Hogwarts students together. Along with James and Peter, of course. The four were practically inseperable, aside from when James was again trying to seduce Lily.

     Remus sat in silence for the next few minutes, unable to focus. Its not like I can go back outside--not now, at least. Still, it's not like Sirius would know I'd be going out there just to watch him. That sounds creepy.." Remus was ripped from his thoughts when he heard Molly shout that lunch was ready. Is it noon already? I guess more time passed than I had thought, Remus mused, sitting up and blowing the hair out of his face.

     Remus then made his way down the stairs, noticing that Hermione was already in the kitchen with Molly. "We'd have more success with this if we just brought the food outside and had everyone eat outside," Hermione commented with a huff, a scowl coming to her face as Ron let out a triumphant shout from outside. "Hermione's right. I doubt we can get everyone to adandon their game of quidditch just yet." Remus chimed in, and Molly sighed.

     "Yes, I suppose she is. Here, you two each grab a tray. I'll be out with the rest in a moment." Remus nodded and did as Molly requested, following Hermione outside once they both had grabbed a tray piled high with sandwiches. Ron was the first to notice the food, unsurprisingly, and immediately flew down to grab some. The others playing gave him strange looks, that was, until they noticed the food, too. Within just a few minutes, the two trays had been emptied, only crumbs left behind.

     Ron's head snapped towards the door when he saw Mollu was carrying another two trays. On instinct, he tried to push his way over there to grab some more food, but was held back by Harry. "Honestly, Ron. You've had, what, five sandwiches now? Let Hermione and Remus have some bloody food for once." Ron looked longingly at the chicken sandwiches, but only nodded sadly, which of course made Harry laugh.

     In the chaos, Remus had snuck back inside, looking to escape the crowd that was every Weasley--along with Harry, Hermione, and Sirius--all on one very small porch. Apparently, Sirius had followed, looking to do the same thing as Remus. "You should eat something, Mooney. Here." Sirius handed Remus a sandwich, which Remus accepted gratefully. "Thanks," Remus muttered in response, trying to avoid Sirius's gaze. "Er, about what happened earlier," Sirius started after a moment. Remus glanced at him, trying to pretend like he didn't know what this was about. "Sorry. For, uh, kissing you." Sirius finally said, avoiding meeting Remus's eyes.

     "It's fine," Remus replied after a slight pause. "Yeah, still. Sorry. Its, uh...instinct," Remus couldn't help but notice that Sirius's pitch had risen slightly with the last word, almost as if it were a question. "Well, I'm gonna head back out now.." Sirius murmured, apparently trying to escape the situation that he had brought on. Remus merely nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich and following Sirius with his eyes as Sirius left the house again.

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