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     By the time Remus had made it downstairs, which was, to be clear, only a couple minutes later--seeing as he had stopped and turned around to get changed--Sirius was already scoffing down the freshly made pancakes, along with Ron, who most likely only got up to eat. Remus chuckled and took a seat at the table, helping himself to a few of the, in almost everyone's opinions, best pancakes in the area. "You might want to get down here soon, before Ron and Sirius eat everything! Its pancakes!" Molly called into the house. Almost immediately, there was a clutter of noises throughout the house, followed by a stampede of hungry humans eager for a bite of Mrs. Weasley's practically famous pancakes.

     Before long, plates were empty and a chorus of thank you's rang through the kitchen and dining room. As the large group of people slowly filed out of the room, Molly began to collect the plates and forks, laughing to herself. "Honestly, they're like savages when it comes to my pancakes," "That's because they're the best, Mollywobbles- oh, let me help you with those." Arthur scooped a few of the plates off the stack, which was threatening to topple over at any point. Molly gave a thankful smile to Arthur and placed the plates in the sink, as carefully as possible so they didn't break. Arthur gave a quick kiss on the cheek to Molly, then bid her and anyone else left in the room--which was just Remus and Sirius at the moment--a farewell, then he was off to work.

     "He's not kidding, you know. Your pancakes are literally the best in this area, if not the world." Remus commented, lingering only because Sirius was. "Yeah! So what's the secret that makes them so good?" Sirius chimed in, clearly hoping to get the recipe. Molly laughed at the two men's antics. "Honestly? Lots of butter," Molly paused for a moment, grabbing one last cup off the table. "And sugar. It's probably the unhealthiest thing I can cook." "Really? People would never be able to tell." Molly laughed.

     "And that's exactly why people love them so much. Now, you two stop pestering me, I have stuff to do. Go bug George or something;his pranks are getting out of hand lately," Molly said, referring to the one George had somehow pulled on Arthur as he got home yesterday. Long story short, he had almost ended up with a broken ankle. Sirius chuckled, remembering how much of a class clown he was at Hogwarts. It had nearly gotten him expelled once, and would have if if weren't for head boy Remus standing up for him, like usual.

     While his mind was on Remus, Sirius turned back to his friend. "So, what shall we do today?" Remus shrugged. "I would say you could pull as many tricks as you want with George today, but I'm fairly sure Molly is on her last nerve with that one. I'll probably just keep reading." Remus shrugged once he finished talking, walking with Sirius back up the stairs. Sirius stuck his tongue out, making a sick face. "Bleck, I still don't get how you can read so much. Doesn't it get boring?" Remus shook his head. "Quite the opposite, actually. I find that if I really like a book, I can read it dozens of times over without ever getting bored," Sirius shrugged. "It's like you and muggle fairy tales."

     Sirius shoved Remus gently, just enough to momentarily throw him off balance. "I say again: you promised to stop talking about that. Besides, there aren't any muggle books here, even if I did want to read--which I don't." Remus chuckled and followed Sirius into their bedroom, immediately grabbing the book he had been reading earlier. "Suit yourself then. It's not like there's a book-loving muggle born witch just down the hall from us." Remus glanced at Sirius just as he disappeared around the other side of the doorway, on his way to see if Hermione did, indeed, have any books he could borrow.

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