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     Remus awoke the next morning to find that he had fallen asleep next to Sirius. Apparently, Sirius hadn't bothered to move once Remus was asleep. A small smile came to Remus's lips as he remembered the dozens of times this same thing had happened when the pair attended Hogwarts. Some stupid crush can't get in the way of our friendship, right? Remus sat up, trying, with some difficulty, to do that without waking up Sirius.

     He glanced at a nearby clock, cursing under his breath. Just after six. Too early to get up, but too late to go back to sleep. Remus grabbed a nearby book, then leaned back with a slight sigh. Nothing I haven't read before, but this'll do I suppose. Sirius shifted slightly next to Remus, his head ending up on Remus's thigh. Remus tried his best to ignore it, which somehow, worked well.

     Some time after Remus had gotten lost in the book, Sirius subconsciously shifted to his animagus form, curling closer to Remus, his head still resting on Remus's thigh. Sirius shifting in and out of his animagus form in sleep wasn't anything Remus hadn't seen before, so in a way, he almost expected it to happen. Instead, Remus just shook his head and continued to read, occasionally absentmindedly stroking Sirius's fur.

Sirius pov

     I opened my eyes slightly, noticing immediately that I was in my dog form. That hadn't happened for a while, I chuckled inside my head. Then I glanced down. My head was right next to Remus's crotch. I yelped and jumped back, the yelp coming out as more of a bark before I shifted back to my human form. I desperately hoped there wasn't an obvious blush on my face, and it really didn't help that Remus was laughing at my embarassment.

Back to normal

     Remus snorted his laughter when he saw Sirius jump back, nearly toppling off the bed head first. "Morning, Snuffles," Remus said through his laughter, setting the book aside. Sirius had an obvious blush on his face, now that Remus took some time to look him over. "You good, Pads?" Sirius groaned and sat up again, moving the hair out of his face that had fallen there in his rush to put some space between him and Remus.

     "Yes, thank you. You could have woken me up, you know," Remus chuckled again. "I know better than to wake you up, and you know it. Thanks, but I would prefer not to be bitten again." Sirius chuckled awkwardly. "I did say sorry for that, Mooney. You going to keep holding that against me?" Remus shrugged. "Well, I suppose not. You were only 15 at the time," Remus paused before continuing.

     "Pads just needed his beauty sleep," Sirius growled in response, and Remus put a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt by that. After a moment, the pair burst into laughter, any awkwardness between them disintegrating.

     Remus took a moment to catch his breath before speaking again. "It's just after eight now. Molly should be up by now, which means pancakes!" Sirius jumped up immediately, practically diving into the dresser to find a change of clothes. Remus snorted again, grabbing the book he was reading earlier and setting it on the night stand next to the bed.

     "Adorable," Remus heard Sirius mutter, clearly referring to Remus's snort of a laugh when he laughed too hard. "You're one to talk, Snow White," Remus called in response, glancing away with a slight blush when Sirius pulled his shirt off and began getting changed. "You vowed never to speak of that!" Sirius hissed, shooting a glare to the back of Remus's head.

     Remus was, of course, referring to a time in their fourth year of Hogwarts when someone had thrown a secret Halloween costume/masquerade party. Lily had, at that time, recently introduced Sirius to muggle fairy tales, which he surprisingly absolutely loved. Sirius had gone to the party as Snow White, much to the amusement of Remus, who had figured out it was Sirius fairly quickly. Endless nicknames based on that had quickly materialized between Remus and Sirius in the days after that. For a highly masculine male, he could rock a dress.

     Remus chuckled at how annoyed Sirius sounded, only turning back around when he was confident that Sirius was fully clothed. "Shall we head down, then?" Sirius nodded excitedly, dashing out the door and down the staircase, clearly overly excited for pancakes. Then again, Remus thought, pancakes are his favorite breakfast. I guess it makes sense that he would be this excited. Remus chuckled and followed after Sirius, shaking his head at how childish Sirius could be at times.

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