Rey's POV
I say "last question then I have to go. Hmm what is your favorite thing?" I think for a little finishing my slice of pizza saying "probably everything I have right now. I don't know having parents that actually care about me and each other." Everyone in the chat is just awwww in all caps. I say "ok I'm gonna go cause some exciting stuff is happening tomorrow. So byeee." Everyone says bye in the chat. I hang up and flop back on my bed my head on Tonys back. I smile as I hear Mike talk quietly to Tony, kissing him gently. This is home.
Next day
We walk into the photo shoot and Vic says "the release party is tonight its in a hall and its supposed to be fancy or some shit." I chuckle and Jaime turns to me saying "omg shopping trip!" I say "we can do that after this." Jaime gives me a thumbs up. I return it and a person comes over that looks like the photographer. He starts telling the guys to do some stuff then he turns to me. He says "we want to do an interview with you, write an article about you, and take a couple shots of you. You up for it?" I say "sure." He says "intern! Bring Rey to one of the rooms to get interviewed." The intern says "yes sir." A person who seems to be the intern looks around confused and I wave at her and she gestures me to come with her. I say "you seem to not like this job very much." She says "I have to do it for experience according to my mom. I'm Avery." I smile and say "Rey." She says "here you are ma'am." I say "no need to be professional were on first name basis now" winking at her as I walk into the room. A few minutes a guy comes in and he sits in front of me saying "I'm recording this but not on a camera ok?" I say "cool." He says "so Rey Fuentes you haven't been seen in press or interviews or music videos. Why's that?" I say "well I was adopted about a week ago by Mike and Tony and the band hasn't been doing interviews or anything really since the last tour. I try to fly under the radar when it comes to the internet but clearly its not gonna happen anymore" chuckling. The guy chuckles and says "ohh I see. What's it like living with Pierce The Veil?" I say "its crazy but I mean thats what you get when you live with a group of men that act like teenagers." The guy laughs and says "you seem like quite the charmer. Who do you think you get that from in Pierce The Veil?" I smile and say "Tony, my dad is always saying I look like Mike and I act like him. I think I might get it from Mike but sorry ladies, gentlemen, and everyone he is awkward sometimes too." The guy smiles and says "this is a slightly random interview so what's today look like for you?" I say "well I woke up this morning annoyed everyone in the house, played with my cat and guitar, umm I'm here then I'm going dress and shoe shopping with Jaime cause I need a dress for the King For A Day release party tonight I was last minutely informed with by Uncle Vic. Thats what my day looks like today." The guy says "that sounds fun. So what's your overall vibe? For the people that don't know you that well." I say "well I think I give off the vibe of skater, hipster, emo. I like pizza, coffee, and I sing in the coffee house near my house actually so I'm known in my hometown and if I'm doing it I normally ask if anyone wants to go to the skatepark after and hang out. I try to be an overall chill person. I have a cat and I like to play guitar and I have 1 friend thats not an adult. And I hang out with men children a lot." The guy laughs and says "great vibe. So we heard that All Time Low came to your talent show the other day. How was that?" I say "oh it was amazing. Those guys are so amazing. I have only met them once and they're so I don't know homely like you feel like you're hanging out with your older brother and his friends. It makes you feel really cool. Oh yeah Alex and I played a couple songs and I'm ready to hang out with them more when we go on tour with them." The guy smiles and says "thats amazing. I bet its exciting going on tour with 3 bands that are truly fantastic. Have you met everyone yet?" I say "I have not met all of Sleeping With Sirens yet. Ive met Kellin and All Time Low. They're all too nice for their own good honestly." The interviewer says "is All Time Low as crazy as we all think or what's the tea?" I chuckle and say "Alex is I don't know dude he's crazy and acts like a teenager but he's very good to everyone, Zack is like really nice I'm sometimes scared he's going to kick my ass cause he's buff but then he smiles and tells me I did a good job and it just confuses me but I love it, Jack is very hyper but ya know thats ok he's really forward but sometimes you need that in life for it to be exciting, lastly Rian just being in his presence is an experience you wouldn't want to miss and he's just amazing like when someone says they want to be like Rian Dawson because he's an amazing drummer. You see they haven't met him before he's an amazing drummer and just a person I'd want to hang out with, drink cold brew, and talk about some nerd shit." The guy smiles and says "you seem like you've known these guys for years." I say "I've met them once and they're truly great." The guy says "this is a burning question everyone has because you seem really flirty with everyone and I just have to ask. Who's your celebrity crush? Anyone?" I say "in the past week I've been getting that question a lot. There are so many. I don't know man are you waiting for me to say something cliche like Zac Efron or Harry Styles or Chris Hemsworth, just anyone, musician? Cause if I answer with a musician, this interview gets leaked, I'm gonna have a very eventful night tonight incase I meet them. Well here's the thing I don't really have a celebrity crush of any sort I'm normally saying oh they're hot or oh they're funny. I just appreciate them for their talent and that they can look good wearing certain things that an everyday person would not look good in."

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