Rey's POV
I run down the stairs saying "time to party! Woohoo!" My dads just laugh and Tony says "you good?" I say "mhmm! I get to see Jeffrey today." Mike raises an eyebrow and Tony says "who is this Jeffrey" in a typical dad voice. You know what I'm talking about. I laugh and say "dad, ex foster brother thing/long time friend." Tony says "oooohhh." I chuckle and say "yeah." I check my phone and say "time to get ready I guess" patting my parents' heads, both of them swatting my hand away. I laugh and go upstairs. I then yell "FUCK!" Vic yells "WHAT?" I say "nothing gotta walk around for a little bit." I put on my heels and start walking around the house. I call Charlie saying "hey, can you come over and do my hair while I do my makeup?" He says "uh sure." I say "awesome thanks I have everything here." He says "k bye love you the mosttttt." I say "love you the mostttt now get your ass over here." He laughs and I hear a car door slam as he hangs up. I say "my brothers coming over behave guys, I'm looking at you dad" staring at Mike. Tony chuckles and shrugs when Mike looks at him. Vic says "damnit she got tall again!" I laugh and say "sorry" sarcastically. He flips me off, laughing. I hear a knock on the door and I answer it. I say "come on in, Charles." He says "don't say it in that way you make me sound like Charles Xavier." I laugh and say "whoops." He says "nice shoes for around the house." I say "thanks I'm wearing them in I have to wear them tonight." He nods saying "got it." We get to my room and I shut the door and I look at him creepily saying "I know about your boyfriend." He gasps sarcastically saying "nooo." I say "I met him he's a police officer. Thats hot." He says "mhmm it really is." I say "ok do my hair." We go into the bathroom and he says "what are you feeling?" I say "curl it, then put it in like a natural looking half up half down?" He raises an eyebrow saying "yes loving it." I say "so what's his name?" As I start putting eyeliner, blush, and lip gloss on. Charlie says "his name is Collin." I say "cute!" He finishes my hair and I grab my dress and Charlie says "sis, I gotta go. I gotta date tonight." I say "ok. I hope you get laid!" As he walks out my door, laughing. I shave quickly and put on a strapless bra. I yell "THESE STUPID THINGS THAT I NEED BUT HATE SO FUCKING MUCH! CURSE YOU STRAPLESS BRAS!" I hear a "dude, are you stable?" I laugh and say "yes. I just hate strapless bras ok?" Jaime says "jeez ok." I laugh and say "sorry Hime." I sit on my bed and put my shoes on, tying them. Yes, they tie and its amazing. I reapply my lip gloss and I bite my lip staring at the mirror. I yell "DAD IS ATL GOING TO BE THERE?" He yells back "YEAH." I say "woohoo!" I adjust my dress at my hips, the straps, and tugging it down a little bit. I say "something else is missing." I go to a mini jewelry box. Yes, I own jewelry only a couple pieces that are pretty valuable. I find my moms diamond bracelet and say "perfect. I forgot that was there. Awesome!" I put it on and say "yup. Thanks mom." I look in the mirror and pull a couple strands of hair out in the front. I say "ok killing it. Jack better not be drunk tonight. Rumors of dancing here we go" to myself aloud. I'm like a pretty good dancer but were not going to tell anyone that just yet. They'll figure it out tonight. Ahh I'm glad I haven't been dancing in awhile. I smile really wide and say "lets do it." I take a deep breath and walk out of the room and down the stairs. Vic says "you really can wear any color you want can't you?" I say "depends on the day" walking to the door. Mike pulls me into his side as we walk and says "where'd you get your bracelet? I like it." I smile, leaning against him, trying not to mess my hair up saying "my mom gave it to me." He smiles saying "you look beautiful, sweetheart." I say "thanks dad." Jaime says "boys, Rey, I hope you can dance or you're screwed cause I sure can't." All the guys mutter "fuck" under their breaths. I say "guys seriously? Your in a band but you cant dance?" Jaime says "were not *NSYNC, Rey." I laugh and say "but you guys can't dance! Dads you got a wedding in like a couple months you better learn how to dance." Tony says "and you can dance?" I say "thats for me to know and you to find out." I used to get bored so I taught myself to dance and in my opinion I got good. So I taught myself a few types of dancing that involve a partner without a partner. Its interesting to say the least. We get to the place and i say "holy shit this's place is giant!" Vic says "Pete likes to party." I laugh and say "me too" as we walk into the building. Its like a giant hall. Its like that giant open part of a train station with the high ceilings but it only has people in it, no attractions of any sort. Thats what it looks like.

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