Rey's POV
Jaime and I are at the mall walking around trying to find a store. I say "I'm gonna hate how much pink is in this store but I think we have to look in there." Jaime says "you're glad I love you or I'd be walking far away from that store." I say "love you too Hime. We can cleanse our brains of pink and go in hot topic after this." He says "deal" and we walk into the store. I say "how fancy do these things get?" He says "like formal high school dance but ya know a little more clean cut." I say "got it" as I look around some more. I say "put an arm out." Jaime rolls his eyes saying "people are going to think we are dating but knock yourself out." I say "I don't care. Here" laying a navy blue dress over his arm. I find a couple more dresses and say "how many people go to this thing?" Jaime says "like 200 0r something." I find a dress that'll be a definite show stopper. Jaime raises his eyebrows and I say "just in case" winking at him. I grab a couple more and say "time for a fashion show. Hime you're my friend now be honest if it looks awful or not. Promise?" He says "promise." I hang like 8 dresses over the door and go in, sliding my clothes off. I try on a few and say "I hate these why did I even pick them?" Hanging them on the hook for the ones I don't want. I try on a dress and walk out and Jaime whistles and I roll my eyes. Jaime says "sorry but no." I say "hmm. Yeah I don't like it either now that I think about it." I go back in and try another dress saying "ok this one doesn't fit and if it did I wouldn't like it." A couple I try on are just no's and I say "ok this is the last one, hopefully." I pull on the dress and look in the mirror and say "Hime, I think this is the one!" He says "well let me see it!" I say "don't choke on your own spit" in a joking tone, winking in the mirror. I walk out the door and he says "h-holy shit. You look beautiful." I smile, blushing lightly. I say "thanks Hime" going back into the dressing room. He says "I love the plan of just in case." I laugh and say "Jesus Christ." This has to be my favorite dress I've ever owned its a navy blue its tight and it has a slit up to mid thigh. It's a little more showy than I'd like but this is the just in case plan and sometimes take risks if you look good while doing it. Right?

The dress ^^^^^^I say "what do you think dads are going to think?" Jaime says "dude, they will love it

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The dress ^^^^^^
I say "what do you think dads are going to think?" Jaime says "dude, they will love it. If they don't too bad." I laugh and say "k Hime." I put the dress on the counter and the bored teenager standing behind it looks bored out of her mind. Jaime sees the price saying "damn girl you're expensive." I say "I know. Thank you" saying the last part to the girl behind the counter. I say "shoes time." We leave and Jaime says "what's the goal?" I say "to be taller then Vic, plus the dress touches the ground a little too much for my liking so 5 to 6 inches." Jaime says "youre going to be as tall as me at this rate!" I laugh and say "make Vic the short one again." Jaime and I laugh as we walk into a shoe store. I immediately go to the heels saying "simple color, gotta pop but not too much." Jaime says "yes ma'am." I say "I was talking to myself ya dork." Jaime says "I know" laughing. I look around and find a pair of shoes and I find a pair of pale rose colored heels. I say "perfect" showing Jaime.

The shoes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jaime says "yup

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The shoes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Jaime says "yup." I hand him the box and he pays for me and I call an old friend that does hair in this mall. He will do it for free I know it. I call his number and he say "hello?" I say "Charles, I need my hair done. Don't freak out on who I bring with me please." He says "hello Reymond, and no promises." I say "alright tough guy I'll see you in a few minutes." He says "you got it, sis." I smile and say "love you the most." He says "love you too" hanging up. Jaime says "who ya calling?" I say "someone to do my hair for free." Jaime says "ok" a little skeptical. I say "its fine. Trust me." I get to the salon, Jaime following me. I see Charlie. We have a thing for calling each-other by our full names. I jump on him and I say "you grew like 7 feet! This isn't fair!" Charlie says "Reymond, you done yet?" I breathe and say "think so. I know how to do my hair I just wanted to see you." Jaime says "who's this dude?" I say "this is my biological brother, Charlie. Charlie this is Jaime person that just bought me a bunch of shit." Charlie says "did you get adopted and not tell me?" I sit in the seat and say "no, I would be but I've been caught up in shit." Charlie smirks and says "you always are, sis." I say "just wash and curl my hair please." Charlie says "yes ma'am" saluting me through the mirror.

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