Rey's POV
I say "thanks Charles. I'll see you at some point." He says "I know you will cause you always miss my fabulousness or you always need my help" booping my nose. I chuckle and say "that is very true. Thank you." He says "cya sis." I say "cya Charles" rolling my eyes. I walk away with Jaime and he says "that man knows how to do hair." I laugh and say "thanks Hime" flipping my hair. He laughs and we go home for the next hour and a half its get ready time. When we get home I steal my bags from Jaime and start up the stairs. Vic says "nice hair." I say "thank you uncle Vic" going up the stairs. I get to my room and clip the dress to a hanger and hang it on my open door. I look at it and say "today is the day for contacts." I go to Spotify on my phone play some Pierce The Veil. I unbutton my shirt and say "damnit strapless bra too." I grab a bra from the drawer and go to the bathroom. I put it on and fix the straps around my stomach. I shave my legs and my armpits. I love getting ready for fancy things but strapless bras and shaving are things I don't like to do. I sit on my bed playing on my phone thinking if I'm missing anything. I need to walk around in my heels for a little bit. I button a couple buttons on my shirt after putting it on and I go downstairs and put the shoes on. Mike says "you're getting ready now?" I say "yes it takes a while" putting my shoes on and walking back and forth boredly. Mike says "are you just walking back and forth?" I say "yes how else am I supposed to get used to walking in these?" Mike chuckles and say "feisty ok." I walk up behind Vic evilly and Mike laughs because I'm like 3 inches taller than Vic now. Vic turns around jumping saying "Jesus she grew!" I laugh and say "nah just the shoes." He rolls his eyes and I say "Jaime they're tall enough!" He says "awesome!" We have about 10 minutes till we have to leave and I say "ok dress you gotta work with me." I take the dress of my door and slide it on, struggling to zip it. I say "damnit. Jaime!?" He says "what?!" I say "come zip my damn dress!" He says "fine!" He knocks on my door and I say "come in ya dork." He says "ok" he comes in and zips my dress. I say "thank you. You look nice." He says "you too." We high five and he says "everyones waiting for you." I smile and he goes downstairs. I go into my en suite and mess with my hair and say "awesome." I wipe extra eyeliner I couldn't get earlier and get the liquid stuff instead of a pencil. I put on a wing, a tiny bit of blush, and chapstick cause lipstick annoys me. I grab my phone and put it in a clutch I bought while I was out and around with Jaime. I put my chapstick, my contacts case, and my glasses. I say "here we go." I go down the stairs and say "yup the just in case plan is my favorite" high fiving Jaime. He says "still my favorite." I say "well lets go then." Vic says "yes ma'am." I chuckle and grab Mike's arm and he says "you look beautiful." I say "thanks dad" smiling. Tony steals me from Mike saying "if you kiss anyone tonight tell me tomorrow unless it's Jaime then don't tell me." I smile saying "dad, I'm not gonna kiss Jaime were best friends." Tony says "you never know. You look so pretty" kissing my forehead. I say "thank you dad." We get to place this thing is in and the guys go in first and I mumble "walk like you own the place and jaws will drop. You dropped several jaws today and you aren't even in the place yet. You got this" to myself. I swing the double doors open and walk in as if I own the place and as if no one is watching. I hear a few "wows" and "damns" and "shit I'm screwed if she talks to me." I smirk and flip my hair over my shoulder and I find Kellin. He says "damn you look good." I say "thank you so do you. What's up?" He smiles and says "trying to find Pierce." I say "you're taller than me. Over there actually." Kellin says "thanks boo. Everyone here is dying to meet you just go around and introduce yourself I'm assuming you know most people here." I say "that I do I'm gonna go find All Time Low." Kellin says "have fun." I say "thank you." As I walk around to find All Time Low. Someone walks up to me saying "I've been dying to meet you, I'm Andy" in the best voice on the planet. I say "right back at ya. Maybe we can hang out." Andy says "maybe this summer, Pierce is on the Warped line up and so is Black Veil Brides." I say "oh my god I completely forgot about Warped. I'll see you around." He nods and I walk away. Holy shit I just met Andy fucking Beirsack and I didn't fangirl? What is it with me? Acting professional I guess. I find All Time Low and I say "hey guys." Alex says "its you hey!" I say "yup its me" him hugging me. Jack looks at me a little tipsy saying "wow she's pretty." I chuckle and say "thank you Jack." Jack says "wow a pretty person knows my name." I laugh and Alex says "he's a dork." Rian says "now I will agree with that one." I chuckle and I say "Jack we can hang when you're sober." Zack says "you look very pretty, Rey." I say "thank you Zack so do you." He says "thank you." I walk around until I run into Brendon Urie, not physically this time. Thank fuck.

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