Rey's POV
Ok there are more women here but they're all supermodels. Fuck. No flirting they're adults. Strut your shit and you'll do fine. I definitely have one of the brightest dresses here but thats ok I like the attention sometimes. I look for bright hair because Alex dyed his hair recently. I say "more new people fabulous." Mike says "you'll do fine. You're worrying yourself too much." I say "yup ok I'm going to go find Alex or Jeffrey whoever I find first." I literally strut over to the head of blue hair and its Alex and he turns around saying "ok you look amazing. Just wow." I smile saying "thanks Alex. I'm now remembering why I hang out with men this many women is stressing me out for some reason." Alex chuckles and says "me too. Me too." I chuckle and Jack says "well you're pretty." I say "hey you're sober!" Jack chuckles saying "here they'd kick me out if I got drunk." I laugh saying "its good to see you guys." Jack says "you too." I say "this thing is huge and I'm freaking out, man!" Jack says "a lot of people here are very important." I say "as in?" Jack says "like the Madden brothers, Pete Wentz, Mark Hoppus, My Chemical Romance, and some others." I chuckle and say "I would hope Pete would be here after all it is a quarter of his release party." Alex says "very true." I say "I'm going to go find some more people to say hi to. I'll probably be back though." I walk confidently cause dude these women here are models they wear clothes, walk, and pose for a living. I finally find a head of red hair. Definitely unnatural definitely Gerard Way. I walk over and hug Jeffrey from behind saying "boo." He says "mother fucker! You can't do that!" I say "I can I just shouldn't" laughing. I hug him properly and say "I'm gonna steal you at some point tonight." Frank says "thats not terrifying." I say "nahh I just need someone that can dance because my family can't." Gerard says "I don't know I have a hunch that Mike is a good dancer." I say "I wouldn't know. Honestly he probably is. Ugh I'm gonna have to teach them how to fucking dance." Ray says "I mean you don't have to." I say "if they wanna have their first dance married then I'm going to have to teach them." Gerard chuckles and says "good luck kid." I say "I'm gonna need it. I'm stealing Jeffrey now cause he needs friends." Frank laughs saying "I think I like this kid even more." I grab Jeffrey's wrist and I say "what's a band you want to meet?" Jeffrey says "hmm. All Time Low?" I say "good choice. Come on" dragging him to All Time Low. I say "Alex, I brought a person." Alex says "oh hey! Wait you're Jeffrey." Jeffrey says "yup." Jack says "its another one!" I say "Jack you're a dork." Rian walks up to us and says "oh he's aware." I say "hey! I haven't seen you yet today." Jeffrey says "are you seriously best bros with All Time Low?" I say "yes, the bestest of the bros." Alex shakes his head and Jeffrey says "goals." I say "where's Zack?" Zack says "right here" as he stands next to Rian. I say "good entrance time." Zack says "you know it." I chuckle and say "are they the drunk ones?" Alex says "no, you would know if they were. Trust me." I chuckle and gasp saying "is Kellin here?!" Alex says "he's going to be here in a few minutes I think" as we hear the door slam open. I smile and say "I haven't seen that fabulous face in months. Uncle Vic can have first turn though." At this thing people are posting pictures but certain ones you aren't allowed to post. For example, anything PDA, or if it involves outing anyone's relationship, or if you're just outing someone in general. Pete has some pretty strict rules on this kind of thing. Ya know respect others privacy right? I smile and say "hey Alex where are you staying tonight?" He says "hotel down the road." I say "can I room with you?" He says "yeah. May I ask why?" I whistle subtly motioning to Kellin and Vic. He says "dude you live with horny teenagers." I say "mhmm I know. My dads are worse but hey they're still young what do you expect." Jack says "true." Alex says "very true." I chuckle and later they open up a dance floor. I say "hey Jack you dance?" Jack says "no, Alex does though." Alex says "whatever." I smile and say "nice" chuckling "come dance with me, Jeffrey." Jeffrey says "ok fine." I chuckle and say "just one. Maybe I'll steal Alex after." He grabs one of my hands and rests a hand on my waist and I say "so, are we going to school everyone here or no?" He says "nah you can school them later." I chuckle and say "ok" as he turns me around. I say "that was smooth. You been practicing?" He says "a little I get bored sometimes." I say "well I have to teach my parents how to dance unless they secretly know how. Probably not telling me to assert their manliness." Jeffrey laughs and says "maybe. I don't know if you're a male and you can dance it just makes you 10 times hotter." I say "thats pretty true. I think Mike could charm his way through horrible dancing so maybe it wouldn't be so bad." Jeffrey says "you can only get so far with that." I turn around and my parents are dancing and being cute. I say "those liars. Look at them they're being cute." Jeffrey says "aww dude they're goals." I say "really though. They are. It makes me feel inspired but not knowing what about." Jeffrey says "definitely yeah me too." I say "maybe to be the best I could possibly be."

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