Emptiness, Numbness, Cold, Wind

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I know it's been a while.  A lots happened in my life. Lots of new changes. So here I go.

The emptiness

The numbness

The the cold

The wind

Shes shivering on the outside

Frozen from within.

Fingers turn blue

And the sun gets dimmer.

Temperatures dropping.

As she walks home for dinner.



The cold

The wind

Not even layers

Will keep the heat in.

She clings to her boyfriend

To keep herself warm.

She shivers and he holds her

Tighter in his arms.

The emptiness

The numbness

The cold

The wind

She can't tell her secrets

She hides them from him

Thr emptiness

The numbness

The cold

The wind

She cant hide forever

Trying to be thin.

The Ending of ElleWhere stories live. Discover now