"I've Got You"

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The younger teen looked up, confused and in shock at the nickname forced out of Yoongi's mouth.


"Ggukie," Yoongi mumbled, leaning against the wall his bed was pressed against.

Jeongguk was in shock.

After Yoongi's mental breakdown, Jeongguk so happened to show up.

Yoongi was ecstatic about it, needing someone to comfort him and Jeongguk did the job perfectly.

Jeongguk had been on his phone, moving the mini couch that was in Yoongi's hospital room beside his bed so he could lay down.

"W-when did you start talking?"

"With Jin-hyung." Yoongi rasped out, "Only to you and him though."

Jeongguk nodded, reaching over and squeezing Yoongi's hand before going back to his phone.

Yoongi smiled, going back to his computer and slipping his headphones on.

Not too long later, Jeongguk nudged his shoulder, "Whatcha working on?"

Yoongi smiled, handing the younger his headphones and playing the beat he was curious to put together.

"You know, it's really good."

Yoongi smiled wider, his gums showing.

"Let me show you my favorite artist."

Yoongi nodded letting Jeongguk go through his phone.

"RM- isn't this-?"

"YES, I asked during Support Group earlier cause I wasn't sure.  Like, same voice, same real name, just didn't know his face.  So I asked. "

Yoongi shoved Jeongguk, "You big fanboy!"

Jeongguk laughed, lightly shoving Yoongi back.


During Support Group the next day, Jin didn't make much attempt to talk to Yoongi but that was also because he was too drowsy to even think straight.

Yoongi kept poking Jeongguk and letting the younger push his wheelchair around the room, he didn't try to talk to Jin either, assuming the elder was mad with him.



Yoongi was immediately awake.

Jeongguk had been given permission to sleep in Yoongi's room since the two wanted to talk, Jeongguk claiming Yoongi was his best friend and it was only fair they'd get to talk all night.

Well, Jeongguk had fallen asleep while listening to music, Yoongi falling asleep not too long after.

Yoongi was woken up by Jeongguk wheezing out breaths and the younger calling his name repeatedly.

Yoongi turned on his phone flashlight, looking for the emergency button on the remote.

Jeongguk let out shaky breaths that were obviously strained, he could hear how hard it was for the younger to breath.

Yoongi finally found the button, pressing it and watching it light red, when the call was answered he couldn't bring up his voice to explain what was wrong, instead pressing the button again

Yoongi didn't want Jeongguk to move too much.  He was going to have to get to his wheelchair himself. He reached over to grab the back handle of his wheelchair and pull it closer to the bed, sitting up to move his paralyzed legs over the edge of the bed.

Yoongi took a deep breath, using the armrest of his wheelchair to pull himself into his feet, barely managing to turn his body to sit, his chest hurting for the strain of being tensed.

He relaxed into the chair for a second before rolling it to Jeongguk's side, sitting Jeongguk up who managed to breath just a little better with Yoongi holding his back straight.

"I-It hurts," Jeongguk wheezed, "I-is t-this what drowning would feel like? I-I d-don't r-remember i-it hu-hurting the last time..."

Yoongi shushed him and tilted his head up a bit, hoping to help him breath just a bit better.

"Don't pass out," Yoongi instructed as Jeongguk closed his eyes, "that'll make it worse."

Jeongguk managed a whimper, choked up wheezes coming out after each breath.

"Don't panic, Gguk."

"I-I'm not," Jeongguk whispered, "I-it hurts.  L-like I'm ch-choking."

Yoongi carefully reached to stroke Jeongguk's hair, "I've got you, okay? I'm right here, you'll be okay."

Jeongguk nodded quickly, trying to force air into his liquid filled lungs.


Yoongi rocked back and forth, his legs pulled up to his chest. 

Even though he didn't have use in them, he felt a bit better knowing he could still curl up and bring his useless legs into a safe position.

There was a knock.

He didn't even look over.


Yoongi didn't respond to the older's call, instead continued rocking.

"Yoongi, please, look at me."

"I was scared.  I was scared I'd respond too slow.  When they called I couldn't answer.  I felt like I couldn't talk even in an emergency.  What if they didn't take me serious? Ggukie..."

"Shhh," Jin hummed, going over and laying Yoongi down just to lay beside him, cuddling Yoongi to his chest and whispering sweet words into his ear, gently rocking the boy.

Yoongi calmed down and just laid there, letting the soft sweet words lull him to sleep.

Jin only relaxed when Yoongi was asleep, then did he fully lay on the bed and sleep, cuddling the previously sad male.

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