"He didn't even let me say goodbye..."

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"Try to curl your toes."

Yoongi blinked at the lady in front of him, a confused look on his face.

"If you can, we can move on and see if we can eventually get you holding yourself up."

Yoongi hummed, closing his eyes and trying to do as told, though he had no feeling. It was like his body and legs were disconnected. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, getting frustrated in himself as time went on.

The woman settled a hand on top Yoongi's, the boy opening his eyes.

"It's okay, we'll try again tomorrow."


"Try again."

Yoongi nodded, his lips pursed, it was his 2nd day trying. He took a deep breath, trying to show any sign of feeling in his numb legs.

Once again, he couldn't do it.


Next day.

No movement.



Day 17

Yoongi was sure it was impossible, he'd never walk again, just as he had believed. Jin and Jeongguk seemed certain he could do it. He stared at his lap.

"Okay, Try again."

Yoongi shook his head.

"Come on, believe."

Yoongi shook his head again, getting irritated.


Yoongi jumped, looking at his sock padded feet. Shakily curling his toes which sent a tingly and somewhat sore feeling through him. He smiled, the woman filling out paperwork with a huge smile on her face.


"Hihi Gguk!" Yoongi beamed, opening his door for the younger, not noticing Jeongguk's expression.

Yoongi rolled his wheelchair over to his bed, using a railing to pull himself onto the mattress, "I did it! I might have the chance to-"

"Hyung. If I leave and never come back, would you miss me?"

"What?" Yoongi asked, not catching on, "Of course I'd miss you. You But if your parents take you out of the hospital, you're still gonna need treatment."

"Exactly," Jeongguk muttered, pulling the couch over so he was beside Yoongi's bed, sitting on the cushion.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at the response, grabbing his laptop. He didn't question the younger like he should have. Should have asked what Jeongguk meant.

Maybe it'd spare him the pain of not having a goodbye.

He looked over at the younger, Jeongguk scrolling idly through social media. "Hyungie, is putting an animal down... giving up?"

Yoongi didn't think of the question as deep as it really was, "Yes.. and No. Sometimes they're in so much pain, you have no choice... Like Holly...". He frowned, remembering his poor puppy he sent the email to get put down after the accident. The poor dog would be in constant pain if he was still alive.

"So...." Jeongguk started softly, "Let's say you're the dog or pet and you know there are treatments out there to ease the pain but your owner suggests putting you down because they cant afford any treatment anymore. You accept the suggestion. Is that giving up."

"Depends on the pain, if it's gonna die anyway soon, I'd say spare the pain and be in piece. But let's say... there's a longer life for this pet to live, it has a whole life. I'd say give a shot at getting the treatment before making a final decision..." Yoongi muttered, looking around the room then back at the laptop.

Jeongguk hummed, turning so his back faced Yoongi, hiding his glossy eyes. "Can I stay in here tonight?"

"Why would I ever say no? I mean you are my best friend besides Jinnie-hyung," Yoongi giggled.

Jeongguk only hummed.

"Something up, Ggukie?"

Jeongguk shook his head, "Just thinking."


When Yoongi opened his eyes in the morning, he was alone. He stared at the couch that had been pushed back against the wall while the clock light blared the time of 08:23 AM.

He blinked a few times in confusion, Jeongguk never woke up earlier than 9... but then again, neither did he.

"Huh," he hummed, moving to sit up but was startled by his door being opened by a frantic Jin.



Jin hurried to Yoongi, lifting the younger into his wheelchair by the bed, his eyes beginning to tear up, "Where's Gguk?"

"I don't know...."

"No time to change, okay. Did he... Did he say goodbye last night...?"

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, pure confusion written on his features as he shook his head.

Jin's eyes widened, "Yoongi, baby, I-... Gguk, he uhm.... His parents.... wanted him to uh get euthanized... and he agreed so they gave their final payment... 2 days ago. He didn't want them to pay anymore...since they were already financially struggling... He was supposed to say goodbye last night and wake you up before his appointment... Yoon, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you but we didn't want to hurt you... We were scared to hurt you..."

Jin was in tears while watching the smaller male process the words of his best friend's fate.

"H-he... He's gone...? He's dead...?" Yoongi muttered in shock, frozen, his hands falling limp into his lap as he stared wide eyed at the floor. He looked back to Jin, his eyes wide and breaking Jin's heart at how sad and shocked they were.


"B-but... He...He had a chance.... He had a life...He could have... Ggukie... He didn't even let me say goodbye..."

Jin hugged the younger close, cradling his head against his chest and letting him cry, he rubbed Yoongi's back, kissing his forehead softly.

And eventually cry himself to sleep after losing his first friend since the accident.

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