"Its Okay"

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During Support Group after breakfast, Yoongi watched how Jin looked tired and slurred a bit of his words.

Jeongguk nudged him getting his attention, "Painkillers to deal with abdominal pain."

Yoongi nodded slowly.

"He's on some pretty big doses since it hurts a lot.  He can probably still feel pain."

Yoongi let out a small whimper, rolling his wheelchair beside Jin who immediately leaned against it, barely able to keep himself up due to the drowsiness side effect of his pain medications.

"He's on....10 different meds I think," Jeongguk whispered to Yoongi, Jin not hearing and instead slowly falling asleep, "Ones for pain, vitamins-"

"Sleep meds, antibiotics, antidepressants, laxatives cause my body doesn't work, there's just different-," Jin yawned,"Versions of each ones I get in doses."

Yoongi whimpered softly, leaning into Jin a bit.


"Yoongi," The nurse called, "Bath."

Yoongi rolled his eyes with a noise of dismay, Jin looking over at him and immediately understanding.

"Need help?  It'll just be me."

Yoongi nodded, anything but the female nurse who literally made him so fucking uncomfortable.

Jin smiled, standing and rolling Yoongi's wheelchair over, explaining to her that he wanted to help Yoongi.

She agreed after a bit if persuading.

Jin looked down at Yoongi who relaxed when she agreed, "Don't like her?"

Yoongi nodded to say he doesn't.

"Awww," Jin cooed, leaning forward to pat Yoongi's head and scratch his chin like a cat.

Yoongi whined, pushing Jin's hand away.

Jin only chuckled.


Yoongi was fortunate enough that the hospital staff installed a bathtub instead of a shower for him seeing as he hated using the shower chairs and got uncomfortable.

Jin was completely okay with helping him, though Yoongi did feel incredibly useless without even being able to get himself into the bath and instead needing to be carried.

Yoongi, once placed in the warm water, pinched his thighs.

Jin knew it wouldn't hurt, but either way moved Yoongi's hands.  "Stop that, it won't bring back your use of your legs."

Yoongi huffed and let the elder run his hands over his scalp, rubbing in shampoo.

"Hey Yoongi?"

Yoongi tilted his head, his eyes closed.

"I want to hear your voice, when you're ready.  But I do someday."

Yoongi took Jin's wrist, squeezing it as he thought.


It was choked up, forced, and his voice hoarse and broken.  Yoongi was surprised it even came out audible, he knew he was truating Jin a bit too quick but if the elder wanted to hear his voice...

Jin shushed him, hearing the strain in his voice, "Relax first."

Yoongi nodded as Jin slowly poured water over Yoongi's soaped hair, washing out the shampoo and soon rubbing in conditioner.

He let the conditioner set and ran the loofah over Yoongi's collarbone, laughing a bit when Yoongi tilted his head slightly so Jin would rub it over his neck too.

"You have arms," Jin playfully reminded, rubbing the foamed up loofah over Yoongi's pale legs.

Yoongi whined, "Y-you."

Jim shook his head and resume soaping up Yoongi before rinsing him off, rising out some of the conditioner too.


Yoongi sat infront Jin in his wheelchair, the older had a smile on his face.

"Do you trust me enough?"

Yoongi slowly nodded.

"Say my name if you can.  Don't try to force yourself too hard, it's okay. It's okay, i promise."

".....J-Jinnie H-hyung..."

"Good boy," Jin beamed, cupping Yoongi's cheeks and squishing them, Yoongi's face turning pink between his palms.

Yoongi pulled away shyly, leaning back against his wheelchair, he backed it up so he could put his hands on the window sill and pull himself up.

He used his arms to slowly pull himself up, trying to move, but lost his grip fairly quick.

Jin panicked and caught him before he could fall, "Don't do that! You could get hurt!"

"I-I can't feel pain in my legs, you know that," Yoongi managed out roughly, feeling more confident to talk.

"I don't just mean there, what if you're too far from your wheelchair?"

"I can crawl."

"Yoongi, hun, your fractured ribs aren't healed completely.  You think I can't read your condition update that you left on the table?"

Yoongi whimpered as Jin settled him back into the black wheelchair, patting his head.

It took everything in the small adult not to cry, not to burst into tears in like he did everytime he tried to move and fail.

He leaned back into his chair, tears filling his eyes as he looked out the window, "J-just go away."

Despite not meaning the three words, Jin left, leaving Yoongi with his own thoughts and tears.

He was pathetic.

YOONJIN | Awkward SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now