"Why am I the only one not in pain?"

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"N-no it's okay," Jin muttered, leaning against the wall, "Pain killers wearing off.  Let's hurry, I snuck some food and I'm trying not to throw up on the floor."

Yoongi gave a concerned half smile as Jin stood back up and continued to the Support Group room.


"Yoon, turn it on please," Jin muttered, Yoongi obeying and turning on the machine.

Yoongi turned his wheelchair so he was in front of Jin, cupping the older's cheeks and letting the older stare into his eyes so he wouldn't watch the machine at work.

The distraction worked, Yoongi watching as Jin's eyes seemed to calm with his mind, not looking so disgusted with himself at that moment as he picked out every detail of Yoongi's pretty brown eyes.

"T-turn it off."

Yoongi nodded, backing his wheelchair enough to reach over and turn off the machine.

"Look at me," Yoongi quietly got out, no one else but Jin hearing him.

Yoongi disconnected the tubing quickly before going back directly in front of Jin.

Jin hissed softly as his stomach began to hurt, Yoongi whimpering and cupping his face again.

"It hurts... It always hurts."

Yoongi felt terrible, he was the only one not in pain.  Jin was in a constant pain and Jeongguk, when his lungs would fill, would feel like he's painfully drowning. "I know..."

Jin pressed his forehead to Yoongi's, closing his eyes, biting his lip, "I need to get to my room."


"Thanks Yoon," Jin mumbled, squeezing Yoongi close, though there was a heating pad in between them, calming a bit of the abdominal pain as he cuddled to younger.

Yoongi hummed, his back hot because of the heating pad, he didn't mind too much.

Jin, to distract himself of the pain, nuzzled against Yoongi's bare shoulder where his shirt sleeve slipped off a bit before leaving gentle kisses, focusing on keeping the kisses light and soft against Yoongi's pale skin.

Yoongi realized what Jin was doing quickly, and why he was doing it, tilting his head just a bit to let Jin kiss his neck.

"Needy, hm?"

Yoongi knew it was a playful tease and giggled.

Jin laughed along with him, though stopping when his stomach began hurting.

Yoongi whimpered, and once the pain calmed a little Jin resumed his light kisses.

"You're pretty."

Yoongi's face lit up in pink, "T-thank you Hyung..."

Jin kissed right behind Yoongi's ear, the smaller shivering.

"Is that a sensitive spot?"

Yoongi whined softly, "Yes, if you haven't noticed."

"Good to know, Sweetie."


"Guess who has a lung tumor~"


Yoongi immediately hugged the younger teenager, completely missing the sentence beforehand.

"Did you hear me?"

Yoongi shook his head.

"I have a fucking tumor in my damn lungs."

Yoongi stared wide eyed at his best friend, "W-what?"

"You heard me, and they're probably gonna keep filling up unless it shrinks."

"C-can't you get meds t-to shrink it?" Yoongi stuttered out quickly, Jeongguk scoffing and shaking his head.

"There are meds but do you think my parents are fucking rich!?  They've been paying bills to let the doctors do those stupid tests and they're running out of money to even keep me here."

Yoongi shrunk back, tears already in his eyes, "I-I'm sorry."

"Hyung, I-"

Yoongi shook his head and turned his wheelchair and rolling down the hallway to his room with the quiet question of, "Why am I the only one not in pain?"


Yoongi held his breath as he pulled himself to his feet, his thoughts running as he tried to force use into his legs which didn't work at all, his arms giving out and him falling onto to the floor, a sharp pain in his ribs.

It didn't bother him as much as he should of, just letting himself lay there, not even trying to get himself to the chair, the pain got worse as he breathed but it didn't concern him as much as it should've.  Either way getting to the emergency button would be incredibly difficult with the increasing pain.

He didn't care if it was possible he could die from a rib through his lungs as he laid there.

Nothing mattered because he wasn't in pain until the moment he inflicted it on himself.

Nothing mattered because he was the "okay" one of his friends.  The one who could go back and live a semi-normal life.

He was the alone one.

YOONJIN | Awkward SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now