"Such a cute baby"

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Yoongi glared at the brace wrapped around his stomach and chest, keeping his back straight.

He looked up at the doctor, not holding back his angered expression.

"Look, kid, you could've broke your rib again."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, backing his wheelchair and opening the door, leaving the office and slowly navigating the halls.

"Hey Yoonie," Jin sung, seeing the smaller.

Yoongi gave a small smile.

"No 'Hey Hyung,' or anything?"

Yoongi shook his head.

"Why aren't you talking? It's just me, no one else is around."

Yoongi shook his head again.

"Oh hey what's- You- Didn't I tell you not to do that, I knew you'd get hurt!"

Jin cupped Yoongi's cheeks as he scolded the younger for hurting himself before leaving a gentle kiss on his nose.

Yoongi smiled, closing his eyes for a second and giggling.

Jin smiled, "There's that cute voice."

Yoongi nodded, taking Jin's hands and letting the older male pull him along playfully.

"Such a cute baby, huh Yoon."

Yoongi giggled, "Shush."


"For once, anyone wanna say something relevant to the support group other than us just hanging out?"

"Sure...," Jeongguk muttered, slowly making eye contact with Yoongi and Jin, "I've been diagnosed with lung cancer which they think caused my pneumonia...and my parents are...uhm... running out of money..."

Yoongi's eyes widened, Jin blinking a few times before hurrying out the words, "That doesn't mean what I think right?  You're 17! You have a l-"

"Hyung, It's okay.  We don't know yet, maybe insurance can cover it."

Yoongi silently rolled his wheelchair over to his best friend, hugging him tight.

Jeongguk hesitated to hug back, which was odd, but Yoongi didn't dwell on it.  He squeezed the younger tight for a few minutes before pulling back.



"Yes, baby?"

Yoongi froze, his cheeks turning pink from the name and his hands falling into his lap, "I- uhm- well g-guess what?"

"What is it?" Jin asked softly, turning off his laptop before Yoongi could see the email.  He helped Yoongi sit on the bed beside him.

"They said it's possible my paralysis is temporary because my leg was twitching and.. I could feel it.  It was weird though..."

Yoongi motioned with his hands frantically as he talked, rambling about how he might be able to walk again.  "Except I wouldn't be able to walk fully on my own," He concluded, "They said that there was still slight damage to my spine or whatever..."

Jin smiled, pulling Yoongi against his chest and running his fingers through the younger's hair.

Yoongi blinked, confused by the sudden affection, "Hyung?"

"Shh," Jin hushed, "I'm assuming you'll be going to physical therapy once your ribs heal."

Yoongi nodded, yawning and laying fully against Jin. 

The elder male tucked him into his own bed, knowing Yoongi was tired.  "You were pretty energetic today, why?"

"Kook.. I wanted to be happy so Kook wouldn't be so upset."

Jin hummed, rubbing Yoongi's back to lull him to sleep.

YOONJIN | Awkward SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now