"It'll be okay."

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"Morning, Yoongi..."

Yoongi whined, his voice hoarse from all his crying the night before as he made grabby hands at the other male.

Jin, instead, laid beside him. "Yoongi. I know it's early but I have to leave in a few minutes and I don't want to leave you without a goodbye."

Yoongi's eyes widened and he could already feel his heart breaking. "Hyung..."

"I love you," Jin whispered, "I caught feelings so quick but you're so perfect. I can't live like this, where I can't eat. Where I live in constant pain. I sent the request almost four weeks ago. My family approved and since it's my request they can do it. Yoongi... I'll be free..."

Yoongi carefully and slowly eased himself on top of Jin, laying so his head rested in the elders chest with no tears left to cry.

Jin held back the pained sound, not wanting to let Yoongi go despite the pressure to his pained stomach.

"You'll come with me...right?"

Yoongi nodded, Jin sitting up and helping Yoongi adjust himself so he would sit in a comfortable way.

"I have a few more minutes... let's get you dressed, okay?"


Yoongi followed behind Jin slowly, wanting to delay it all. Keep Jin with him. He wore the elder male's shirt, and due to Jin's broad shoulders the sleeved went past his elbows because of his smaller frame.

They arrived quicker than Yoongi would've liked, Yoongi wasn't paying attention to it until Jin was asked if he had anything he'd like to say.

Yoongi gulped, rolling his wheelchair from the doorway to beside Jin who motioned him over, the older running his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

"It'll be okay," he gently reassured, "I won't hurt anymore. I love you, Yoongi."

Yoongi closed his eyes, tears filling his eyes. There was a hum, a machine being turned on.

Yoongi panicked, his eyes snapping open, grabbing hold of the edge of the bed and pulling himself up and closer so he could meet Jin's lips with his own.

Jin gently brought a hand up to cup Yoongi's cheek as he kissed back, his eyes closing. It was like he was just drowsy, his hand falling away once the drug started to take effect. He laid back, unable to keep himself up.

Yoongi wiped at his teary eyes, still managing to stand on shaky legs. "H-Hyung..." He forced out despite being around other people, he couldn't not respond, "I-I love you too..."

Jin smiled at that, a weak smile as Yoongi held his hand, intertwining their fingers.


To say, getting Yoongi away was hard... that's an understatement.

He wouldn't go and if he moved away from the now cold body, he would just break, heart wrenching sobs tearing endlessly from his throat.

Heartbreak hurt more than the car accident. It hurt so bad he went back to not talking. He couldn't even bring himself to get to therapy anymore.

He cried himself to sleep but would never stay asleep longer than 2 minutes, afraid they'd take Jin away from him.

He hadn't eaten, hadn't even use the bathroom. He wouldn't move, He'd stay by his side forever.

He lost his first real friend and his first genuine love.


After the staff finally moved Yoongi back to his own room, he didn't sleep for a week, and barely ate. He only cried or stared at the couch.

When he finally, finally, fell asleep, it didn't occur to anyone he'd never wake up. It wasn't his self neglect that killed him.

It was his broken heart that wouldn't last.

And any silence that followed his death was also filled with the awkward tension of his name that had the best chance to survive in a normal world...

but died alone in a hospital, his face tear stained, and soul broken hearted by the deaths of his friend and love.

YOONJIN | Awkward SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now