[Ch 21] The Revelation

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Gaara's POV
"Thanks again Kazekage-Sama" Okay, now or never! I'm going to tell her the truth, but I don't know how will she react. "Don't be so formal, you can just call me... dad". I tried to get closer to her and hug her but she took steps back. (*triggered* lol) "Y/n-" I was cut off by her, who started crying a mess "W-why... Why did you l-leave me? Why did y-you hide for all this time? Why?" As I expected she would ask these questions, but I was ready to answer all of them. "Y/n it's not what you think, I never wanted to leave you at the hidden leaf-" "But you did". At these words, I remained silent and looked up to observe the sky. "Y/n Uchiha, what a beautiful name, you know your mother chose it. I know that I'm not good as a father, I really never thought I was, even Shinki has never had so much attention from me; I'm really a disaster as a parent, right? " 

I stopped for a moment, looked into her eyes and put my hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything, Y/n. I made many mistakes in my life, but leaving you in Konoha by Sakura and Itachi was a right choice. This is because as I said before, I would never have been able to take care of you, being Kazekage is hard but I admit that I should have dedicated myself more to my family. I've never visited you in almost 13 years, I haven't seen you grow up, I couldn't do many things with you. Please try to understand... I tried to do everything possible to never lose contact with you. You know, when Itachi told me that your curse mark behind your neck had started to show up, I didn't hesitate to go here to investigate. I was really worried, but happy at the same time because I could finally meet you... All the questions you asked me and you have in mind, reserve them for later. Now you should rest, you have faced a very strong opponent together with Boruto, you don't have a lot of chakra left and you should get checked by your aunt because I know perfectly that you hurt yourself during that battle. Later, I'll listen to everything you have to say, okay?" I smiled at her and wiped away her tears. She nodded and went to the hospital with Sakura and Sarada.

Y/n's POV
I was so shocked, confused and perplexed. He said we would talk later, but I wanted to know the truth now.  He also ordered me to go to the hospital to heal my wounds. I hadn't said a word after his explanation. I was leaving silently, but before I finally left the place I said to him "I've waited all my life to meet you".

"Wait, Y/n!" someone screamed. "Boruto, I think you should leave her alon-" "No, mom! I know exactly how she feels, I also went through a period similar to hers." Said that he ran to me and stopped me. "Y/n-chan, are you okay? You know, you were wonderful when you used your Chidori against Momoshiki." I chuckled slightly and gave him a smile, which he returned. Boruto's really fantastic, any person would like to be his friend: when you're sad he's always by your side, he never abandons you and tries in every way to cheer you up. He's unique. "Thanks" "When I told you I was here if you needed, I meant it." I blushed a little, he proposed to accompany me to the hospital and I accepted.

"Ouch!" i yelled in pain. "Does it hurt so much?" I nodded " Sasuke-kun shouldn't have taken you there" "But we would never have defeated Momoshiki and his partner if I wasn't there!" I repeat, getting out of the hospital bed "How many times do I have to tell you that you've to stay still!?". I gave up and finally decided to listen to her. "Okay, now take off your shirt" I did as he said and Sarada looked at me with a weird look. "What?" She pointed to the right and I understood what she meant. Boruto was still here. Oh. "U-uh I'm going now! Sorry about that Y/n-chan!!" I turned red like a tomato and my cousin started laughing out loud. "Stop that!" I took the pillow and threw it at her, who fell in the floor. "These two"

~Time skip: 1h later~

"C'mon Y/n, let's go" "Wait, Auntie. I want to see Mitsuki, I knew that he was attacked and his chakra stolen. And it's  also been a long time since I went to visit uncle Itachi". We went out of the room and Boruto was sitting in a chair. "Finally, you're ready" "Did you really wait all this time?" "I did."

First we went to uncle's room, I saw him still in that bed. For how long will he stay there? "Hi uncle! I helped the five kage to save our village, I feel so honored. I wish you weren't in coma... This time I didn't bought you a flower, sorry. Well, now I'm going, bye."

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds someone said to come in. "Mitsukiiii" "Oh Y/n!" I hugged him taking care not to hurt him. I heard Boruto and Sarada cough and I laughed. "Come on guys, it's just a hug."
We talked about stupid stuff and how we defeated the Otsutsuki's. "Sarada, Y/n now it's time to go home. It was nice to see you Mitsuki and Boruto you should leave, too. You're mother and sister are probably waiting for you."


"I'm hungry, it's like I haven't eat in years. Auntie, what do you cook for dinner?" She opened the door, went into the house and replied "I don't know, I'll see what's in the fridge" "Okay, Sarada and I will help you, right?" She agreed and we headed to the kitchen, where something, or rather someone, had shocked me. What is he doing here? I didn't move even a millimeter, I stared at him. "Y/n how are you now?" it took me a while to answer, "Much better..." 

"Gaara will stay here for a few days to explain you everything, obviously Shinki will also be there." 'Dad' moved slightly, revealing the black-haired boy. He stared at me with a hateful look, which I reciprocated. Tsk look at him. "Shinki, leave your sister alone". Your sister? I will never consider him as a brother, never! "And you too Y/n." "But aunti-" "Nothing buts, now apologize to him. Try to get along" Is she kidding!? "Come on, Sarada tell her something" "I agree with Mom, you and Shinki are siblings, even if you don't have the same blood."
I sighed, approached him and lent my hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have look at you in that way" He accepted my apologies, but didn't take my hand. "How rude...tsk"

To be continued...

[Words count: 1193]

Hello ppl, I don't really like the title tbh, any suggestions?
I finally updated 🙌  tysm for reading, hope u liked it and don't forget to vote!❤️


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